bmp图片里隐藏文件 利用图像低N位空间存储可以把任意文件(大小和图片大小相关)隐藏在图片里,应用图片某几位来存储,比较有创意的想法
Fig. 2: BMP-dependent transcription is abolished inMZsmad4amutants, while Nodal target gene expression is maintained. aRNA-seq on WT and MZsmad4aembryos performed in triplicate. In the heatmap the color legend shows scaled RLog transformed expression counts for each replicate.bRNA-seq reads fo...
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BMP8b induces a pro-angiogenic profile in adipocytes.aEffects of recombinant BMP8 on MCEC vascular tube formation (n = 3–5 experiments). The data shown are representative of one experiment performed in triplicate.bVEGF protein level secreted from mature adipocytes isolated from ScW of 10-we...
MSCV-PM-sh-180_1 was obtained from Stephen Elledge lab (Harvard Medical School). BmprIβ construct (MR208067) was purchased from Origene. Plasmid expressing wild-type TGFβRII (pcDNA3.1/His-TGFBR2), and hereafter described as TgfβrII in this manuscript, was provided by Johannes Gebert (U...
elCl evlilabviliatibeisliotifeMs Co3fT3M-EC1 3ceTl3ls-Eg1rowcenllosn PgCroLw, TnA/oPnCLP,CBLM,P-T2A/P/PCCLL, a, ndBMBMP-P2-/2P/CTLA,/PaCndL aBtM6Ph-2a/nTdA/2P4ChLafatter6thhe acneldls2w4ehre apfrte-rtrtehaetecdelwlsitwh e3r0e0 pµrMe-tHre2aOte2d. Ewrriothr b3a0r0s...
Once the neural tube closes, BMP functions as a morphogen to regulate neural tube patterning and specify the neuronal subtypes in the dorsal neural tube (re- viewed in [12]). Furthermore, BMP signaling regulates neurogenesis and gliogenesis. BMP2 and BMP4 have been shown to promote astrocyte...