Each journal has a professional Editor who is the main point of contact and has overall editorial responsibility for the journal, working closely with a group of senior academics, the Senior Editorial Board Members, and the Editorial Board. Journals in the BMC Series focus on the needs of the...
P stands for prison and U is for forensic unit. The second letter F refers to French speaking interviewees, the letter D to German (Deutsch) speaking participants and E for English speaking study partakers. Isolation and loneliness in secure institution Friendship - a challenge leading to social...
Therefore in order to measure the information integration capacity of a subset S, we should search for the bipartition(s) of S for which EI(A B) reaches a minimum (the informational "weakest link")." Since EI(A B) is necessarily bounded by the maximum entropy available to A or B, min...
For many motifs, especially for the HiSeq and MiSeq platforms, ERD is around 20 percent. Motif NGGCGGGT, for instance, leads to forward errors rates of 20.7 percent on HiSeq instruments, while the reverse error rate is 0.7, which is a normal value for this platform. This particular motif...
Batt et al. have used symbolic model checking to find parameters in a piecewise affine differential equation (PADE) model of the gene regulation IRMA network [35]. IRMA stands forin vivo "benchmarking" of reverse-engineering and modeling approaches[36]. Donaldson and Gilbert have designed a te...
The igraph software package for complex network research. InterJournal Complex Syst. 2006; 1695(5):1–9. Google Scholar Leskovec J, Rajaraman A, Ullman JD. Mining of Massive Datasets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2014. Book Google Scholar Chen H-IH, Jin Y, Huang Y, Chen Y. ...
A New Vision of IgA Nephropathy: The Missing Link.International journal of molecular sciences. 2019;21(1). PubMed PMID: 31888082. Moriyama T. Clinical and histological features and therapeutic strategies for IgA nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2019;23(9):1089–99. PubMed PMID: 30968243. ...
(IBD). However, the process of identifying such interactions is complex due to for instance the curse of high dimensionality, dependencies in the data and non-linearity. Here, we propose a novel approach for robust and computationally efficient epistasis detection. We do so by first reducing ...
[3,4]. The CCCH proteins typically contain 1–6 CCCH-type motifs characterized by three cysteine residues and one histidine residue. The consensus sequence of the CCCH motif was defined as C–X4–17–C–X4–6–C–X3–H (C stands for cysteine, H for histidine, and X for any amino ...
GO terms: F stands for molecular function, P for biological process, and C for cellular compound. (XLSX 2 MB) 12864_2012_7094_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx Additional file 2: Gene annotation and gene ontology for the tulip contigs generated by blasting contigs to the nr genebank with a threshold of 1...