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To determine if patterns of variation are consistent with neutral evolution, we calculated Tajima’sD(DT) and the Fay and Wu’sH(H) statistics for theLTαgene and the upstream region, separately, in each population (Table1; Additional file2: Table S2). We also generated expectedDTandHvalues...
Ecology Center, Utah State University, 5205 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT, 84322, USA Elizabeth C. Bailey & Kari E. Veblen SWCA Environmental Consultants, 7210 Placid St, Las Vegas, NV, 89119, USA Elizabeth C. Bailey U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Forage and Ran...
Retrogenes generally do not contain introns. However, in some instances, retrogenes may recruit internal exonic sequences as introns, which is known as intronization. A retrogene that undergoes intronization is a good model with which to investigate the
The scavenger receptor cysteine rich (SRCR) domain is an ancient and conserved protein domain. CD163 and WC1 molecules are classed together as group B SRCR superfamily members, along with Spα, CD5 and CD6, all of which are expressed by immune system cel
We investigate the scope for selection at the level of nuclei within fungal individuals (mycelia) of the mutualistic Termitomyces cultivated by fungus-growing termites. Whereas in most basidiomycete fungi the number and kind of nuclei is strictly regulat
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. 1998, New York: Oxford University Press Google Scholar Grant PR: Evolution on islands. 1998, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press Google Scholar Price T: Speciation in birds. 2008, Greenwood Village, Colorado: Roberts and Company Google Scholar Filardi CE,...
Chromosomal distribution and evolution of repetitive DNAs in fish. In: Garrido-Ramos MA, editor. Repetitive DNA. Basel: Karger Publishers; 2012. 197–221. López-Flores I, Garrido-Ramos MA. The repetitive DNA content of eukaryotic genomes. In: Garrido-Ramos MA, editor. Repetitive DNA. Basel:...