BMC Ecology and Evolution, formerly known as BMC Evolutionary Biology, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal interested in all aspects of ecological and evolutionary biology. The journal considers articles on a broad range of topics, including population genetics, conservation genetics, phylogenetics...
首届BMC Ecology and Evolution图片大赛获奖作品。左上起顺时针:总冠军(Kristen Brown)、生态发育生物学(Chey Chapman)、行为生物学(Roberto García-Roa)、编辑最爱(Dimitri Ouboter)。本次大赛的前身——BMC Ecology图片大赛——已经成功举办了七年,吸引了大量生态学家和社会公众的关注。以往的获奖作品还得到...
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 2007 Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 2008 Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 2009 Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 2010 Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 2011 Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systema...
而BMC Evolutionary Biology检索不到也是因为,与BMC Ecology合并,且改名为BMC Ecology and Evolution(ISSN: 2730-7182)。 也就是说这两个期刊被SCI删除只是虚惊一场,只是BMC系列内部的合并与改名,也是为了提高期刊的影响力。 BMC Ecology and Evolution作为新期刊,今年第一年被SCI收录,后续发展如何值得期待。今天我们...
BMC Ecology and Evolution 也会通过发布社论来宣布获奖者。这项比赛提供了一个向公众展示研究和自然之美的绝佳机会。任何隶属于生态学、进化生物学或动物学领域研究机构的人都有资格在以下四个类别中各提交一张图片:1. 科研进行时。生态学、进化生物学或动物学研究的展示图,或者开展研究和收集数据过程中的图片。2...
This study aims to reconstruct the evolutionary history of African shrews referred to the Crocidura olivieri complex. We tested the respective role of forest retraction/expansion during the Pleistocene, rivers (allopatric models), ecological gradients (p
Insertions/deletions (indels) in protein sequences are useful as drug targets, protein structure predictors, species diagnostics and evolutionary markers. However there is limited understanding of indel evolutionary patterns. We sought to characterize in
Evolutionary rates are not constant across the human genome but genes in close proximity have been shown to experience similar levels of divergence and selection. The higher-order organisation of chromosomes has often been invoked to explain such phenome
and ecology of the genus we addressed (i) genome structure and evolution ofPachycladonspecies, (ii) the genome relationship to other crucifer species, particularly to the endemic Australian Camelineae taxa, and (iii) the role of major karyotypic reshuffling in the species radiation in the island...