Blurry vision along with headaches, shortness of breath, or feeling like throwing up may signal a serious complication called preeclampsia. It happens when blood vessels in yourplacentaare too narrow and don't work right. (Higher blood pressure after 20 weeks is usually the first sign.) See ...
You may be able to help your blurry vision by updatingyour vision prescription, taking breaks withthe 20-20-20 ruleor using artificial tears. Being mindful about blinking enough and closing your eyes for rest breaks may also help. Nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism Common eyesight p...
Blurred vision is the most common symptom of refractive errors. Other symptoms may include: 视力模糊是屈光不正最常见的症状,其他症状还还包括: * Double vision复视(重影)* Haziness视力模糊* Glare or halos around bright lights...
Blurred vision with other eye conditions Blurred vision & tiredness If you've been working hard and your eyesight becomes blurry towards the end of the day, your eyes may simply be tired and strained. You may notice this more if you've been working with screens or doing a lot of reading...
Headaches Myopia occurs due to refractive errors. It can make the objects at a distance appear blurry. So, it becomes difficult to see things afar. The condition requires the following treatment to correct the vision problem: Use eyeglasses with prescription lens ...
A 34 year old man presented with a three month history of blurred vision. He also mentioned nose bleeds, worsening headaches, and pain in the right knee. He had experienced some weight loss and tiredness but had been previously healthy and took no drugs on a regular basis. His general ...
Possible causes of blurred vision include: Eye strain Eye straincan happen when your eyes are closely focused on something for a while. Blurry vision is one possible symptom, along with: Dry eyes Light sensitivity Headaches The medical term for eye strain isasthenopia. You might feel it while ...
Blurred vision with other eye conditions Blurred vision & tiredness If you've been working hard and your eyesight becomes blurry towards the end of the day, your eyes may simply be tired and strained. You may notice this more if you've been working with screens or doing a lot of reading...