Wereportthecaseofa38-year-oldmalepatientwith a1-yearhistoryofprogressivelyblurredvisioninhislefteye. 我们报告的情况下,38岁的男性病人有1年的历史中,逐渐在他的视力左眼。 syyxw.com 3. Onthishospitalization,shehadfatigue,headache,disequilibrium,dysarthria,andblurredvision. ...
The meaning of BLURRED is characterized by dimness, indistinctness, or obscurity : lacking clarity or sharpness : blurry. How to use blurred in a sentence.
Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes may include fatigue, thirst, weight loss,blurred visionand urination. 2型糖尿病的症状包括:疲劳 、 口渴 、 体重下降 、 视力模糊和尿频. 互联网 Onset of severe ocular pain, nausea and vomiting, headache, andblurred visionis sudden. ...
Blurry vision may not really be a problem with your eyes. It's usually no big deal, but it could be a sign of a serious illness or medical emergency.
These symptoms occur at the start of the migraineheadache. You have no permanent treatment for migraines. You can only manage the condition with rest, placing cold compress, pain medication, and sleeping the pain off. Eye floaters Your vision is blurred by floaters or temporary spots. It drifts...
Businessman, headache and stress with laptop in blur, vertigo or dizzy from strain or mistake at office. Frustrated 4K Frustrated woman, headache or stress with strain for vertigo, dizziness or fatigue at office desk. Tired, female person 4K Frustrated, ...