Call a function by its name from the global table and returns multiple values TArray<FLuaValue> LuaGlobalCallValueMulti(UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf<ULuaState> State, FLuaValue Value, TArray<FLuaValue> Args) UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (WorldContext ="WorldContextObject", Au...
VPCameraBlueprintLibrary(outer:Object | None=None, name: Name | str = 'None') Bases: BlueprintFunctionLibraryVPCamera Blueprint LibraryC++ Source:Plugin: VirtualProductionUtilities Module: VPUtilities File: VPCameraBlueprintLibrary.hclassmethod spawn_camera_rig_from_actors(world_context_object, rig_...
在EdGraphSchema_k2中有FAutocastFunctionMap数据结构,在一开始会遍历所有UBlueprintFunctionLibrary的子类,根据标记找到其中的AutoCast函数。然后从函数名中提取索引key,字符规则是“{待转数据类型};{目标数据类型}”,这样FAutocastFunctionMap就可以根据两个引脚的数据类型搜索到合适的转型函数了。 当然,转型方式不止 ...
UFunction* CanActivateFunction = GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FuncName); HasBlueprintCanUse = CanActivateFunction && CanActivateFunction->GetOuter()->IsA(UBlueprintGeneratedClass::StaticClass()); } {staticFName FuncName = FName(TEXT("K2_ActivateAbility")); UFunction* ActivateFunction = GetClass...
MD_ReturnDisplayName [FunctionMetadata] Indicates the display name of the return value pin MD_SetParam Metadata that flags TSet parameters that will have their type determined at blueprint compile time MD_ShowWorldContextPin If true, the hidden world context pin will be visible when the function...
{// Attempt to locate the macro source node through the code mappingUEdGraphNode* MacroSourceNode = DebugData.FindMacroSourceNodeFromCodeLocation(Sample.Function.Get(), Sample.Offset);if(MacroSourceNode) {// If the macro source node is located in the current graph contextif(GraphObj == Macro...
Select the Actor in the Level Viewport or in the World Outliner. Open the Level Blueprint. Right-click in the graph where you would like to add the node. Select Create a reference to [SelectedActor] in the context menu that appears. Alternatively: Drag and drop an Actor from the W...
proc anotherUFunction(param : FString) : int32 = 10 #now you can define the function as you normally would. proc yetAnotherUFunction(param : FString) : FString = self.getName() #you can access to the actor itself by the name you specify in the uFunctions macro. proc customPragma(param...
Node->WorldContext=WorldContextObj; Node->NumsToCalculate=Num; } returnNode; } voidUBPAsyncActionBase::Activate() { if(UBPAsyncActionBase::bActive) { FFrame::KismetExecutionMessage(TEXT("Async action is already running"),ELogVerbosity::Warning); ...