Never drink soda pop, including diet soda.With very few exceptions, people in blue zones drank water, coffee, tea, and wine. Period. (Soda pop, which accounts for about half of America’s sugar intake, was unknown to most blue zone centenarians.) There is a strong rationale for each....
The “Blue Zone Diet” has emerged as a popular concept in pursuing longevity and optimal health. Derived from regions around the world where people live the…
When most people diet, they do so with weight loss in mind. However, the foods you choose also influence your complete health profile. The blue zone diet aims to do more than help you shed unwanted pounds by adding more years to your life. It seems like new diet advice comes out daily...
The Blue Zone Diet Peopleliving in Blue Zonesseem to live longer than people in other parts of the world. They do not often have heart disease,cancer, diabetes, andobesity. These places also have a lot of people who live to be over 100 years old. Blue Zone locations include: Ikaria, G...
Take it from the 'Blue Zones': Diet, human connection as important as ever Author Dan Buettner shares what we can learn from the "Blue Zones" residents about thriving during difficult times.June 2, 2017, 9:16 PM UTC / Updated Sept. 2, 2020, 2:13 PM UTC / Source: TODAY By Jake Wh...
Is the secret in our diet? When it comes todiet, each blue zone has its own approach—so one specific food or nutrient does not explain the remarkable longevity observed. But interestingly, a diet rich inplant foods(such as locally-grown vegetables, fruits and legumes) does appear to be ...
The only American Blue Zone community follows a diet that can only be referred to as biblical. While they consume a diet focusing on whole grains, fruits, and nuts, residents of Loma Linda stand out from other Blue Zones because they don’t consume alcohol (Sardinians drink red wine on oc...
What lifestyle habits and decisions are people in the blue zones making to ensure that longevity? Let’s take a look: The Blue Zone Diet While the five regions have varying food preferences and native ingredients, there are a few common factors that unite their diet and nutrition practices: ...
BLUE ZONE #5: Loma Linda, California "The longest living Americans are actually among the 7th Day Adventists — the highest concentration of whom live around Loma Linda, California ... not far from Los Angeles. They live about seven years longer than people living in the next town over."...
male and female, so there are God and Goddess??? we should learn from to give ourselves a leg up on the climb to 100. What we found especially interesting was the book's list of "top longevity foods" from each Blue Zone. Add these to your grocery list, stat: ...