Blue Ocean Strategy© Kim & Mauborgne© Kim & Mauborgne Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean StrategyRed Ocean StrategyBlue Ocean StrategyCompete in existing market spaceCreate uncontested market spaceBeat the competitionMake the competition irrelevantExploit existing demandCreate and capture new demandMake the valu...
HBR Blue Ocean Strategy蓝海战略.pdf,Blue Ocean Strategy ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant W. Chan Kim Renée Mauborgne H A R V A R D B U S I N E S S S C H O O L P R E S S B O S T O N , M A S S ...
Blue_Ocean_Strategy.pdf 阅读:36次|页数:12页|上传:2012-10-14 10:56 .hbrreprints BlueOceanStrategy byW.ChanKimandRenéeMauborgne Includedwiththisfull-text HarvardBusinessReview article: TheIdeainBrief—thecoreidea TheIdeainPractice—puttingtheideatowork 1 ArticleSummary 2 BlueOceanStrategy Alistof...
[電子書][管理]主 管學全書 星级: 236 页 [中华文库]GE管理經典(電子書) 星级: 6页 《藍海策略Blue Ocean Strategy》筆譯評析 星级: 3页 [電子書] 管理_Blue Ocean Strategy 藍海策略 (原文_全257) 下载积分:1600 内容提示: 文档格式:PDF | 页数:257 | 浏览次数:60 | 上传日期:2013-01-20 05...
Strategy 171 9 Conclusion The Sustainability and Renewal of Blue Ocean Strategy 185 Appendix A 191 Appendix B 209 Appendix C 213 Notes 217 Bibliography 223 Index 231 About the Authors 239 Preface H I S I S A B O O K about friendship about loyalty about Tbelieving in one another It was ...
哈佛商业课 - 蓝海战略 Blue Ocean Strategy In 1984, Guy Laliberté co-founded Cirque du Soleil.1984年,盖伊·拉利伯特共同创立了太阳剧团。Soon, Cirque was bringing in revenues that incumbents, like Ringling Brothers, had taken more than a century to attain, even though the circus business was in...
蓝色星球的生命能源分析blue-ocean-strategy35页 卖家[上传人]:丰*** 文档编号:248744266 上传时间:2022-02-02 文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:223.71KB本资源只提供5页预览,全部文档请下载后查看!喜欢就下载吧,查找使用更方便 20 金贝 下载/ 35 举报 版权申诉 马上下载 ...
蓝海战略框架Blue Ocean Strategy 蓝海策略 BlueOceanStrategy EricChiu Source:BlueOceanStrategybyKimandMauborgne 2 BlueOceanStrategy 作者:金伟灿(ChanKim)莫伯尼(ReneeMauborgne)•全书共分三大部分九章,针对过去120 多年来30多种不同行业所采取的150多种策略活动(StrategicMove)进行分析。Source:BlueOceanStrategyby...
1. Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) ? Creating Blue Ocean ? Analytical Tools and Frameworks 2. Formulating Blue Ocean Strategy ? Reconstruct Market Boundaries ? Focus on Big Picture ? Reach Beyond Existing Demand ? Get Strategic Sequence Right 3. Executing Blue Ocean Strategy ? Overcome Key Organization...
蓝色星球的生命能源分析blueocean-strategy 1.BlueOceanStrategy(BOS)§CreatingBlueOcean§AnalyticalToolsandFrameworks 2.FormulatingBlueOceanStrategy §ReconstructMarketBoundaries§FocusonBigPicture§ReachBeyondExistingDemand§GetStrategicSequenceRight 3.ExecutingBlueOceanStrategy §OvercomeKeyOrganizationHurdles§Build...