Article • 9 min read Blue Ocean Strategy Leaving Your Competition Far Behind MCT Written by the Mindtools Content TeamLet's join Mindtools to have an ad free experience! Join Now! Embrace endless possibilities of a blue ocean. Mikhail Dudarev / © Veer How did Apple predict that we'd...
Blue Ocean Strategy & Blue Ocean Shift is about creating new market space and making the competition irrelevant. It is a roadmap to move you, your team, and your organization to new heights of confidence, market creation and growth.
随着空间的拥挤,激烈的竞争使水变得血腥。Competitive or market competing strategy it's about how to occupy red oceans.竞争或市场竞争战略,它是如何占领红海。By contrast, blue ocean, or market creating strategy, is about how to create and capture unknown markets where demand is created rather than ...
The article discusses the concept of the blue ocean strategy. The strategy is to create new market spaces or blue oceans and reconstruct market boundaries. Any organization can do away with head-to-head zero-sum competition with such strategy. An organization may get rid of the factors it ...
Blue Ocean Strategy is the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost to open up a new market space and create new demand. It provides a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.
lue ocean strategy. Blue ocean strategy.Blue ocean strategy.The article presents information on untapped market spaces that offer the opportunity for highly profitable growth. They urge companies to value innovation that focuses on utility, price and cost positions, to create and capture new demand ...
蓝海战略框架Blue Ocean Strategy 蓝海策略 BlueOceanStrategy EricChiu Source:BlueOceanStrategybyKimandMauborgne 2 BlueOceanStrategy 作者:金伟灿(ChanKim)莫伯尼(ReneeMauborgne)•全书共分三大部分九章,针对过去120 多年来30多种不同行业所采取的150多种策略活动(StrategicMove)进行分析。Source:BlueOceanStrategyby...
经管必读:蓝海原理Blue Ocean Strategy-en 星级: 257 页 [電子書][管理]麥肯錫 - 時間管理 星级: 13 页 [電子書][天文] 星级: 13 页 勞退新制全攻略電子書 星级: 29 页 [電子書][管理]主 管學全書 星级: 236 页 [中华文库]GE管理經典(電子書) 星级: 6页 《藍海策略Blue Ocean Strategy...
蓝海战略(Blue Ocean Strategy)是由W·钱·金(W. Chan Kim)和莫博涅(Mauborgne)提出的。 蓝海战略认为,聚焦于红海等于接受了商战的限制性因素,即在有限的土地上求胜,却否认了商业世界开创新市场的可能。运用蓝海战略,视线将超越竞争对手移向买方需求,跨越现有竞争边界,将不同市场的买方价值元素筛选并重新排序,从给...
Strategy 171 9 Conclusion The Sustainability and Renewal of Blue Ocean Strategy 185 Appendix A 191 Appendix B 209 Appendix C 213 Notes 217 Bibliography 223 Index 231 About the Authors 239 Preface H I S I S A B O O K about friendship about loyalty about Tbelieving in one another It was ...