Sensei, Welcome to the Blue Archive Wikia! This is a WIP wiki dedicated to Blue Archive (BA) that anyone can edit There have been 107,651 edits within 1,329 articles since August 07th, 2020. This wiki contains Spoilers! Read at your own risk! For new users, make sure to read ...
Even if i still find really stupid we get 3Rd version of some characters like them or Hina and then we have Like Tsubaki or Midori & Momoi comes to mind having Still None at all Meanwhile we are getting the Summer Hyakkyako Event which is Amazing with a Free S. Shizuko given to us...
But as you make it seems they'll be separated which i higly douubt seems they always make basiclaly all the Characters rerun togheter as it was the first time; Plus Seia who knows whenever we'll see her i hope next anniversary in August/September with a new Trinity chapter but at thi...
Introduction (NPC) Halo Sprite Live2D Icon Live2D Quis ut Deus Divine Fragment (Eligma) Gym[] Icon Portrait School Swimsuit[] Icon Portrait Expressions[] Default[] Unarmed[] Sleeveless[] Bleeding[] Gym[] School Swimsuit[] Concept Art[] Portrait Halo Secret Diary[] Secret Diary #1 Secret Di...
NPC角色 相当数量的不可玩角色在游戏内作为NPC,出现于各个玩法和剧情中。他们具有精美的动态可交互立绘,交互式触发的剧情和语音。她们被精心设计的意图是: +融合游戏世界观设定和游戏玩法,以增强代入感 +在游戏引导期快速展现游戏魅力,留住玩家 +提供游戏核心内容:可以交互的具有魅力的角色,以创造核心体验:美学体验和...
Blue Bird Non-Humanoid NPC Patch 6.0 Details Biography Notes Last Known Location: Ultima Thule - The Vitrified Fort (x:21.5, y:21.4) Closest Aetheryte: Base Omicron ▲ Involved in Quests Endwalker Gallery Categories: Missing NPC Image Patch 6.0 NPC...
On a realm that is currently layered, turning in Head of Onyxia, Head of Nefarian, Head of Rend Blackhand, or Heart of Hakkar will now start the event dialogue for each layer in which the NPC is currently alive. July 20, 2020 Quests Fixed an issue where some Alliance characters were un...
Characters You can now whistle at Cap'n Crackers to have him ride on your shoulder. Classes Druid Balance Starsurge and Starfall damage increased by 15%. Mage Arcane All damage increased by 3%. Shaman Tremor Totem should no longer take an unintended amount of additional damage when players att...
s "Real" weapon statsV0.7BlueDawn。无需重开档,但要产生效果必须在进战术地图之前,特殊NPC必须...
s "Real" weapon statsV0.7BlueDawn。无需重开档,但要产生效果必须在进战术地图之前,特殊NPC必须...