Hey, I’m Zathong and this is all characters in Blue Archive. I will update role, position and weapon for all characters.
Of the 144147 characters on Anime Characters Database, 16 are from the anime Blue Archive The Animation.
Blue Archive Short Animation ~ Beautiful Day Dreamer4 characters assigned Blue Archive The Animation16 characters assigned Sensei CV: Shougo Sakata ( * )Shiroko Sunaookami CV: Yui Ogura ( * )Arona CV: Konomi Kohara ( * )Hoshino Takanashi ...
FiguraBlueArchiveCharacters This is the avatars for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft Java Edition, which are imitated characters who appear in "Blue Archive" the game for mobile devices. Target figura version: 0.1.4 (Some avatar functions don't work correctly in Minecraft 1.20.4 doe to a ...
Blue Archive Soundtracks and Cosmetics in Mindustry javasoundtrackcosmeticsmindustry-modblue-archivemindustry-mod-v7bluearchive UpdatedFeb 17, 2025 Java Gakuto1112/FiguraBlueArchiveCharacters Star63 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions The avatars for Figura, the skin mod for Minecraft Java Edition, which...
Swimsuit versions of characters available Nexon has announced a new update to Blue Archive, letting you experience a fresh narrative within the RPG. In particular, the Main Story: Vol. 1 Foreclosure Task Force Chapter 3, “Traces of a Dream” - Part 5 Update will welcome special fest and ...
Maid Yuzu joins the ranks of decent Blue Archive welfare characters. She has access to a large and powerful AOE EX Skill, and…that’s about it. Great if you got her during the event, but note that if you didn’t raise her to a high UE level, you’ll have to wait until next tim...
NEXON has announced a summery new update for Blue Archive, inviting players to dive in and take a splash with the beach-themed “Summer Sky’s Wishlist”. Summer arrives early in the mobile RPG as the game adds 14 all-new episodes for players to...
ForZira ► Gaming 18 7月 2022 Copyrights: #Blue_ArchiveCharacters: #AkoSource: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98574931 84 喜欢 2 显示分享列表 823 VK © 2006-2024 关于VK 规则 developers 汉语РусскийEnglish所有语言 »...
Hoshino has a very rough relationship withSorasaki Hina, however, this relationship has gone into a bond after the final episodes in the said chapter as well. Hoshino boards and helms theUSS Montana (BB-67)in "Blue Archive: The First Wave", in their first Collaboration withWorld of Warships...