In males, atestosterone blood testmay be done to help diagnose infertility, erectile dysfunction, low libido, and more. In females, a testosterone blood test can help diagnose the cause of excessive hair growth (hirsutism), abnormal menstrual periods, hair thinning, and more.10 Aprogesterone bloo...
The z score is the SD from the normal mean value of raw data transformed by log2 in each gene and used as normalization. For gene names,; for raw data of PBMCs:; for raw data of CBMCs: http://...
Enriched GO terms (pathways) with p-value less than 0.01(corrected with Bonferroni step down) were collected and analyzed to interpret the biological meanings of these targeted genes datasets with comprehensive set of functional annotation tools of DAVID and KEGG. Network construction and comparison....
The notion of ‘gendered blood’ (Lupton1993, 3) is a concept that struggles against patriarchal traditions, which traditionally denigrate and suppress images of menstruation, while European and American art valorize women’s bodies as vehicles for male scopic desire. Biologically, blood may not be ...
Myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) and undifferentiated sarcoma (US) have been considered as tumors of the same lineage based on genetic/epigenetic profiling. Although MFS shows a notably better prognosis than US, there are no clear criteria for distinguishing between them. Here, we examined 85 patients with...
Statistical difference compared among groups was analyzed by Mann–Whitney’s U test and ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc analysis. 3. Results 1: Experiment 1: blood glucose level impacted the frequency of hepatic carcinogenesis at a young age in TSOD mice 3.1. Pathological Characteristics of Islet...