However, most of the effects of iron deficiency (anaemia) have not been assessed among blood donors and no association between restless leg syndrome and ferritin levels in blood donors has been established. Blood donors are in general characterized by a good health, and studies indicate that ...
For this blood test, blood will be drawn from the vein in your arm and siphoned into a special tube for laboratory testing. The blood is tested for hemoglobin levels in the red blood cells, which can help your doctor if you have anaemia caused by iron deficiency. Iron produces the molecu...
Pernicious anemia(B12 deficiency):A condition that prevents the body from absorbing enough B12 in the diet. This can be caused by a weakenedstomachlining or an autoimmune condition. Besides anemia,nerve damage(neuropathy) can eventually result. High doses of B12 prevent long-term problems. ...
I was diagnosed with iron deficiency few months ago. Iron level was 20 with iron saturation of 3 and White blood count and hemoglobin were normal. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
I need urgent advice. I am 22 years old. I am in second month of pregnancy. I had sore tongue and frontal headaches. It was time for visit to the doctor. He had taken some blood tests and he has determined that I have iron deficiency. Can you tell me what the causes of iron defi...
Could donating frequently lead to problems, such as iron deficiency, for the donors? Donatingred blood cellsremoves iron from the body. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, which helps maintain strength and energy. Dr. Justin Juskewitch, associate medical director of the Blood Donor Cent...
Iron deficiency was defined by a transferrin saturation (Tsat) ≤ 15% (17) and a ferritin level ≤15 μg/l. Viscosity measurement Venous blood for viscosity assessment was obtained in the early morning, preprandially, and before any significant exertion or planned intervention. Samples were ...
Blood disease - Iron Deficiency, Anemia, Microcytic: Hypochromic microcytic anemias, characterized by the presence in the circulating blood of red cells that are smaller than normal and poorly filled with hemoglobin, fall into two main categories. The fi
Failure of production of red cells may be caused by deficiency of certain essential materials, such as iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12. It may be due to other causes, such as the presence of certain types of disease—e.g., infection; damage of the bone marrow by ionizing radiation or...
Colonic conditions commonly causing iron deficiency anemia include colon polyps, colon cancers, colon angiodysplasias, and chronic colitis. When a patient loses a large amount of blood suddenly, as with moderate or severe acute rectal bleeding (blood in stool), the lost blood is replaced by ...