blood disease, blood disorder - a disease or disorder of the blood 2. anemia - a lack of vitality anaemia symptom - (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease 3. Anemia - genus of terrestrial or litho...
If a prolonged PT is caused by a deficiency ofcoagulation factors, considervitamin Kand the judicious use of FFP to correct the problem. PT is generally prolonged secondary to warfarin (Coumadin),thrombin inhibitors(Argatroban and hirudin),6vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, or DIC. ...
Deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate deficiency most often develops due to a lack of these vitamins in the diet or an inability to absorb these vitamins from the digestive tract. Pernicious anemia is a type of vitamin B12 deficiency caused by an autoimmune disorder that affects vitamin B12 absorp...
The anemia could be caused by lack of red blood cell production and/or high rates of red blood cell destruction, once again caused by the drugs she is receiving. Reply
Failure of production of red cells may be caused by deficiency of certain essential materials, such asiron,folic acid, orvitamin B12. It may be due to other causes, such as the presence of certain types of disease—e.g., infection; damage of the bone marrow by ionizingradiationor by drug...
Chronic occult bleeding often is associated with anemia due to the loss of iron along with the blood (iron deficiency anemia). What diseases and conditions can cause blood in the stool (rectal bleeding)? Many diseases and conditions can cause rectal bleeding. Common causes of rectal bleeding (...
The disorder has been recognized in Great Pyrenees and otterhound dogs and several horse breeds, including a quarter horse, a standardbred, a thoroughbred-cross, a Peruvian Paso mare, and an Oldenburg filly. The αIIbβ3 molecule has multiple functions but is best known as a fibrinogen ...
The Relationship Between Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Iron Parameters in BloodGünhan, ElifAkba, FahriKlolu, Ali GüvenAfshord, Telli ZadehganTalebazade, FarazToprak, AliBezmialem Science
Having too little or too much iron in the blood can be harmful to your health. Hemochromatosis is a disorder that occurs as a result of harmful iron levels. Symptoms include abdominal pain, darkening of the skin, painful joints, and weakness.10Frequently giving blood is one thing that can ...
(1) an urge to move the legs, typically accompanied or caused by an uncomfortable or unpleasant sensation in the legs; (2) onset or intensification of this unpleasant sensation during rest or inactivity such as lying or sitting; (3) partial or total relief of the unpleasant sensation by ...