Take your diabetes medicine at the same times each day. Check your blood sugar every day. Each time you check your blood sugar, write the number in your record book. Call your doctor if your numbers are too high or too low for 2 to 3 days. Check your feet every day for cuts, blis...
Diabetes: Poorly controlled blood sugar can lead to the formation ofblisters, called diabetic bullae, on the hands or feet. Kidney failure: End-stage kidney disease often manifests with blood blisters on the hands, feet, or face. Angina bullosa hemorrhagica: This is a rare condition of unknow...
Foot problems – Because your legs and feet tend to feel numb, you might not easily notice sores and blisters around that area, making it easily infected. Also, poor blood circulation can lead to slow healing, which may require amputation in some extreme cases. ...
Other type 2 diabetes- related skin conditions include diabetic blisters and digital sclerosis (tight, thick, waxy skin on the back of the hands and sometimes toes and forehead).22WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF BLOOD SUGAR STAYS TOO HIGH(CONT'D)Blood Sugar Management GuideTAKING YOUR MEDICATIONSBy following...
If you experience any of these symptoms of poor circulation in the feet and legs:…Cold, aching feet…Swollen ankles and calves…Throbbing, numbness, and tingling…Sores, blisters, and ulcers…Spider and varicose veins…Slow-healing cuts and wounds…It’s time you pay attention, as this means...
If you have diabetes or are at risk for diabetes, make sure your exercise regimen is not causing health problems. If you feel faint, have chest pain, feel short of breath, or notice blisters or pain in your feet, stop and call your doctor.[15] 8 Check your blood sugar levels befor...