Check your skin every day, and pay special attention to your feet.Look forblisters, cuts, cracks, sores, redness, white spots or areas, thick calluses, discoloration, or other skin changes. Don’t rely on pain; even feeling more warmth or cold than usual can be a sign that you have an...
As stated in the preceding slide, people with diabetes with peripheral neuropathy should pay special attention to their feet. In terms of exercising, a good-fitting pair of athletic shoes is one of the better ways to avoid foot problems such as cuts, abrasions, and/or blisters. For those p...
As stated in the preceding slide, people with diabetes with peripheral neuropathy should pay special attention to their feet. In terms of exercising, a good-fitting pair of athletic shoes is one of the better ways to avoid foot problems such as cuts, abrasions, and/or blisters. For those p...