三. 一种基于区块链的联邦学习框架(Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning) 据调研,[1] 提出一种基于区块链的联邦学习通用框架(Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning, BlockFL),其具体步骤如下: 1.参数初始化:创建创世块,其包含随机初始化的全局参数等信息。 2.本地模型更新:每一个终端设备从新区块下...
近两年不断有联邦学习(Federated Learning)与区块链技术(Blockchain Technology)相结合的工作出现。本人在...
Federated learning ( FL ) is a promising decentralized deep learning technology, which allows users to update models cooperatively without sharing their data. FL is reshaping existing industry paradigms for mathematical modeling and analysis, enabling an increasing number of industries to build privacy-...
Blockchain technology is an undeniable ledger technology that stores transactions in high-security chains of blocks. Blockchain can solve security and priv
blockchain federated learning image classification 1. Introduction The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) relates to the billions of physical devices (like connected instruments, sensors, etc.) globally which is currently interconnected to the internet without needing human-to-computer interaction/human...
To this end, this paper proposes a blockchain federated learning system to address these limitations. In the proposed blockchain, a Proof-of-Contribution-Earned (PoCE) consensus protocol is designed for block propagation and miners' selection using an improved addition tic-tac-toe game. To ...
Blockchain and Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing in Industrial IoT,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
联邦学习论文阅读笔记11 FGFL: A blockchain-based fair incentive governor for Federated Learning 面对的问题:激励分配不均、攻击者欺骗 方法:提出FGFL模型。 1)设计了时间衰减SLM算法度量工作者声誉; 2)设计了基于梯度相似度的轻量级方法度量工作者贡献;...
Blockchain-enabled federated learning The architecture of B5G-driven edge computing contains three layers, the user layer, the server layer, and the intelligence layer, respectively [47]. As the first layer, users’ devices including mobile phones, autonomous vehicles, etc. collect all task informa...
[论文笔记]BAFL: A Blockchain-Based Asynchronous Federated Learning Framework melowlz 生活孤独,但不要失去理智和希望贡献 基于区块链技术提出异步联邦学习(AFL)策略,允许每个设备异步地上传本地模型。利用区块链技术防止服务器遭受单点攻击,保证数据的去中心化存储。 为了保证BAFL的效率,作者提出控制出块率的策略以...