《Blockchain and Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing in Industrial IoT》笔记 没饭了 想变得有趣的一个顶无趣的人23 人赞同了该文章 该篇论文于2020年6月发布在IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS(CCF-B),通信作者是挪威奥斯陆大学(University of Oslo)的Yan zhang(SeniorMember,IEEE)...
Blockchain and Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing in Industrial IoTieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8843900 作者:Yunlong Lu Motivation: 1)构建一联邦学习模型,不分享本地数据; 2)提出了一种新的区块链授权协作架构,通过分布式多方共享数据,降低数据泄漏风险,数据所有...
Traditional machine learning methods require a combination of all data for training; however, this approach can be limited by data availability and privacy concerns. Federated learning (FL) has gained considerable attention because it allows for decentralized training on multiple local datasets. However,...
Raza, A., Tran, K.P., Koehl, L., Li, S.: Designing ecg monitoring healthcare system with federated transfer learning and explainable Ai. Knowl.-Based Syst. 236, 107763 (2022) Article Google Scholar Shokri, R., Shmatikov, V.: Privacy-preserving deep learning. In: Proceedings of the ...
The rapid increase in the volume of data generated from connected devices in industrial Internet of Things paradigm, opens up new possibilities for enhancing the quality of service for the emerging applications through data sharing. However, security and privacy concerns (e.g., data leakage) are ...
Federated learning(FL) is then proposed to achieve privacy-preserving machine learning by avoiding the exchange of raw data. Unfortunately, several major issues remain outstanding. Centralized processing costs significant communication resources between cloud and edge while data falsification problems persist....
基金 supported by the Ministry of Education Industry-University Cooperation Collaborative Education Projects of China under Grant 202102119036 and 202102082013。 关键词 blockchain federated learning PRIVACY data sharing Internet of Vehicles 分类号 TP311.13 [自动化与计算机技术—计算机软件与理论] 相关...
applications; in Section 3, we discuss the problem formulation followed by the blockchain and Federated Learning-enabled Secure Architecture for Privacy-Preserving in Smart Healthcare in Section 4; in Section 5, we provide a case study for smart healthcare using Blockchain and Federated Learning. ...
论文全称:《Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning Data Protection Aggregation Scheme with Differential Privacy and Homomorphic Encryption in IIoT》 接收时间:2021年5月,2022年2月见刊 期刊收录情况:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 看完这篇论文,问题比较多,欢迎各位大佬不吝赐教。 1.本文未详细介绍自...
联邦学习-区块链论文笔记:Blockchain and Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserved Data Sharing in Industrial IoT James...发表于FL-Ch... 联邦学习-区块链论文笔记:Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning James Ken arXiv | Per-FedAvg:一种联邦元学习方法 Cyril...发表于联邦学习打开...