Also, rather than allowing the beetles to flee the scene, killing them in place will potentially make for a larger number of beetles found in each bale. Post-bale management Farmers looking to sell hay should inform the buyer of a blister beetle infestation. Wagner suggests using only the ...
Animals can also develop severe symptoms from eating blister beetles. For example, there are reported cases of horses dying from eating too many of the beetles trapped in their alfalfa hay. How to Treat a Blister Beetle Exposure You only need to seek medical attention in severe cases of bliste...
Survey of Epicauta spp., infesting Medicago sativa assessed the influence of in-field location, harvest cycle, and host phenological stage on insect density. Densities of beetles were very low during the 1st and 5th harvest cycles, suggesting that hay from these cuttings has lower cantharidin ...
Any of various beetles of the family Meloidae, such as the Spanish fly, that secrete cantharidin, a substance that blisters the skin and is toxic to livestock that consume hay contaminated with the beetles. Also calledmeloid. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
Any of various beetles of the family Meloidae, such as the Spanish fly, that secrete cantharidin, a substance that blisters the skin and is toxic to livestock that consume hay contaminated with the beetles. Also calledmeloid. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
[by blister beetles] trees in a straight line several hundred feet long.” If inadvertently harvested and bailed in large numbers with alfalfa, the blister beetle, which contains a toxic chemical compound called “cantharidin,” can poison domestic animals, especially horses, that eat the hay. ...
If you feed alfalfa hay, a concern in many parts of the country is the risk of blister beetle poisoning.Blister beetles are small (1/2 to 1 inches in length) insects that contain and secrete a chemical substance called cantharidin, which is extremely toxic to people and animals, especially...
Primary exposure to blister beetles is through consumption of contaminated lucerne hay. Confirmed cases of bovine cantharidiasis due to natural exposure have not previously been documented in veterinary literature. This report describes four cases of blister beetle poisoning in three dairy herds and o...
Horse owners should check hay for toxic blister beetlesWalker, Neely
Horse owners should check hay for toxic blister beetlesMcClure, Olivia