Animals can also develop severe symptoms from eating blister beetles. For example, there are reported cases of horses dying from eating too many of the beetles trapped in their alfalfa hay. How to Treat a Blister Beetle Exposure You only need to seek medical attention in severe cases of bliste...
Blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae) in Kansas alfalfa: influence of plant phenology and proximity to field edgedoi:10.1093/jee/83.3.1042Survey of Epicauta spp., infesting Medicago sativa assessed the influence of in-field location, harvest cycle, and host phenological stage on insect density. ...
the typical blister beetle has an elongated and pliable body. It measures about a half inch to an inch and a half in length. The beetle, says New Mexico State University entomologist, Charles R. Ward, “Blister Beetles in Alfalfa,” has thread-like antenna, non-...
Any of various beetles of the family Meloidae, such as the Spanish fly, that secrete cantharidin, a substance that blisters the skin and is toxic to livestock that consume hay contaminated with the beetles. Also calledmeloid. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
These beetles come in a variety of colors but are typically gray, black or striped. They are attracted to blossoms and pollen, thus often finding homes in alfalfa fields. The Wisconsin horses died or fell ill when they ate out-of-state hay, which came with a side of blister beetles, whi...
If you feed alfalfa hay, a concern in many parts of the country is the risk of blister beetle poisoning.Blister beetles are small (1/2 to 1 inches in length) insects that contain and secrete a chemical substance called cantharidin, which is extremely toxic to people and animals, especially...