(Pharmacology) a glycopeptide antibiotic drug used in the treatment of cancer and Hodgkin's Disease [C20: frombleo-unknown + -mycin] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
Pulmonary Metabolic Inactivation of Bleomycin and Protection from Drug-Induced Lung InjuryMany conventional antineoplastic agents and investigational biological response modifiers produce pulmonary injury. The pulmonary fibrosis associated with the glycopeptide-like antibiotics of the bleomycin class is, however, ...
Classifications of DNA binding molecules—Drug interactions Loutfy H. Madkour, in Nucleic Acids as Gene Anticancer Drug Delivery Therapy, 2019 7.4 DNA cleavage agents 7.4.1 Bleomycin The classic DNA-cleaving anticancer antibiotic is bleomycin, a mixture of related antibiotics isolated from Streptomyces ...
Spills occurring in the biohazard cabinet should be cleaned up immediately; a spill kit should be used if the volume exceeds 150 ml or the contents of one drug vial or ampule. If there is broken glass, utility gloves should be worn to remove it and place it in the puncture-resistant ...
Bins, shelves with barriers at the front, or other design features that reduce the chance of drug containers falling to the floor should be used. Hazardous drugs requiring refrigeration should be stored separately from nonhazardous drugs in individual bins designed to prevent breakage and to contain...
Background/aims: Bleomycin is a clinically used anti-cancer drug that produces DNA breaks once inside of cells. However, bleomycin is a positively charged molecule and cannot get inside of cells by free diffusion. We previously reported that the cell surface negatively charged glycosaminoglycans (GAG...
Cell-death by apoptosis following anticancer drug-treatment in-vitro. The mechanism of cell death, apoptosis or necrosis, was determined morphologically and by DNA gel electrophoresis in 3 human leukaemic T-cell lines (CCRF-C... LI Huschtscha,WA Bartier,A Malmstrom,... - 《International Journ...
In the present study, we have investigated the effects of drug-induced acute lung inflammation and fibrosis. The characteristic feature of drug-induced pulmonary fibrosis is the collagen deposit in alveolar walls, which disrupts the gas exchange and limits the normal functions of the lungs [36, ...
Despite extensive investigation, the pathogen- esis of IPF is not fully understood and no effective drug treatment is available at present. It is thus important to unravel the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis, which may facilitate the develop- ment of effective treatment ...
The bleomycins are a class of glycopeptide antitumor antibiotics isolated by Umezawa and coworkers in 1966. Bleomycin Ais the major component (70%) of the clinical anticancer drug Blenoxane, employed in the treatment of several forms of cancer. Through DNA binding and degradation, a process ...