🌐 网格细分 (QOL GridCut V2)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:03 🌐 电镀生成 (Generate Plates with Greebles 2.3.0)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:09 👚 布料生成 (Bystedts Cloth Builder 1.0.1)Blender中文版插件免费下载 02:03 ✈ 程序空间站 (Procedural SciFi Space Station)Blender中文版插件...
按W键,在弹出的菜单中选择Remove Double会自动的删除多余的面。 15. 在当前模型后面,单击鼠标左键(重新设定3Dcursor坐标),Shift+S,选择Snap Cursor to Grid(将光标对齐到网格) 16. 新建一个UV Sphere,按R,再按X,再输入90,将球体按x轴旋转90° 17. 扩展尾巴 18. 再切割一条线 19. Ctrl+J将尾巴和身体...
(snap_to_flag & SCE_SNAP_TO_GRID)) { /* Calculate the direction (`ray_dir`) and starting point (`ray_start`) of the ray from the * viewport to a 3D point under the mouse cursor (`mval`), taking into account potential view ...
网格建模(Grid Modeler1.32)Blender中文版插件 03:32 UV打包神器(UV Pack Master 3.16)Blender中文版插件 07:17 真实相机(PhotoGrapher 5.23)Blender中文版插件 12:13 表面吸附(ConformObject1.45)Blender中文版插件 03:58 装饰曲线(Trim Flow 1.01)Blender中文版插件 05:22 快速晶格(Multi Lattice 1.2)Blende...
Snapping to grid: HoldCtrlwhile moving an object to snap its position to the nearest grid point. Combine this with the middle mouse button to constrain movement along a specific axis while snapping to the grid. Rotating Objects Rotating objects in Blender is a breeze, and the middle mouse but...
Snap 3D Cursor Orientation→ add "Snap 3D Cursor Orientation" option in snap pie menu (instead of "snap to grid"), allowing copy orientation of current selected object or mesg element to 3D cursorBlender-open-gltf.py→ simple script to open gltf files with Blender, can be used to opening...
最大化当前窗口 CTRL+ 方向键左右 在不同的界面方案中切换 C 切换到以光标为中心的视点 SHIFT+C 将光标坐标归零(场景中点)并切换到以光标为中心的视点 多边形编辑TAB 在物体模式和多边形编辑 (edit) 模式间切换 基本功能空格键 打开当前选择物体的操作命令菜单SHIFT+S 弹出当然选择与 grid 和光标对齐几个选项 (...
35、nes(显示物体间的关系)、All Edges(显示所有的线框边)、Grid Floor(网格显示属性)、Shading(着色预览模式)、Toggle Quad View(快速划分视图)。Grease Pencil:视图绘制属性,包括Add New Layer(新建绘图图层)、Opacity(画笔不透明度)、Thickness(画笔粗细)、Onion Skinning(洋葱皮模式)、Frames(可见帧数)、Delete ...
You can optionally snap to the grid. The shapes are all 2d, so for drawing in the 3d perspective view, you can either choose a constraining plane or set the orientation to view. In perspective view, without any constraining plain, the depth value of the current mouse location is applied ...
Move the mouse (hold “Ctrl” whilst moving to snap to the grid) and LMB click to set the final position of the loop Reducing poly count – vertex selection Selecting loops from now on will be a bit tricky because they often terminate at a vertex rather than loop around the model as ...