The options in this menu align your view with specified local axes of the selected active object, bone, or, in Edit Mode with the normal of the selected face. Hold down Shift while using the numpad to set the view axis. 以7,1,3 个视图作为基础。然后寻找从上往下 看到的第一个面。然后...
Grid-based roads Assemble straight portions, T-crossing portions and X-crossing portions together on a grid like the pieces of a giant brick game. This type of network is precise and will not overlap with other roads and buildings. However curved roads are not supported, though you can model...
The options in this menu align your view with specified local axes of the selected active object, bone, or, in Edit Mode with the normal of the selected face. Hold down Shift while using the numpad to set the view axis. 以7,1,3 个视图作为基础。然后寻找从上往下 看到的第一个面。然后...
Finally, we need to set our camera to how we want it. To do this, select the camera object in the object collection (top right) then set the following values:In the object properties panel, set the location X and Y values to 0, and the Z to 3....
You can optionally snap to the grid. The shapes are all 2d, so for drawing in the 3d perspective view, you can either choose a constraining plane or set the orientation to view. In perspective view, without any constraining plain, the depth value of the current mouse location is applied ...
You can optionally snap to the grid. The shapes are all 2d, so for drawing in the 3d perspective view, you can either choose a constraining plane or set the orientation to view. In perspective view, without any constraining plain, the depth value of the current mouse location is applied ...
This will use "Blender units" as it's default measurement, and we can now change the subdivisions. Next we have thefloorcheckbox. This toggles the floor we see in perspective view on or off. We can scale the floor and the grid together with thescaleslider. ...
The high poly mesh shown placed at the same ‘XYZ’ co-ordinates on Blenders grid as the low poly version; note again the position of its Origin point – co-located with the low poly version Before doing anything to object Origin points its best to set the “Scale” to their default ...
using units 3d axis keyboard numeric input and axis constraints manipulators the transform properties toolbox numeric input for modifiers 3d cursor object origin object snap grid snap snap menu show edge lengths pivot point, using an “empty” ...
Initially, there are no real 'dimensions' in Blender, they are simply 'Blender Units'. You can change this to imperial or metric but they are not necessary unless you're making something to scale for the real world. I'd suggest that you leave the units set to 'none' unless/until you...