Alt+Right Click Select Edge Loop 环边选 Ctrl+E Make Seam/Sharp 制作切缝/尖锐 Alt+M Merge Vertices 合并顶点 Ctrl+M Mirror 镜像 Alt+Shift Shrink/Fatten 收缩/平整 K+Click Knife 切割 Alt+F Fill 填充 Shift+Alt+F Beauty Fill 完美切割 Ctrl+1/2/3/4 Add Subdivision Level 添加细分级别 Curves...
Alt+Right Click Select Edge Loop 环边选 Ctrl+E Make Seam/Sharp 制作切缝/尖锐 Alt+M Merge Vertices 合并顶点 Ctrl+M Mirror 镜像 Alt+Shift Shrink/Fatten 收缩/平整 K+Click Knife 切割 Alt+F Fill 填充 Shift+Alt+F Beauty Fill 完美切割 Ctrl+1/2/3/4 Add Subdivision Level 添加细分级别 Curves...
Select ‣ Select Linked ‣ Shortest Path Hotkey Ctrl-LMB Selects all UV components along the shortest path from the active component to the one which was selected. Face Stepping Supports diagonal paths for vertices and faces, and selects edge rings with edges. Topological Distance Only ta...
为了裁剪Icing部分,我们先选中,然后找到左上角的Toggle X-Ray,这时图像已经透视,接着再按Tab进入Edit Mode,如果直接选取,很可能选取不全,如下所示 这里我们选择右上角的X,将图像以二维形式展现,方便我们选中下面需要删除的部分,然后右键选择Delete Vertices 呈现效果如下图,然后我们发现,当我们移动的时候,会有一些类...
Select vertices and then type G to move them as they snap to the grid you can easely start to draw the general size of the srew Now we need to ADD some more vertices Click on theEDGE SELECTso you can select an edge Subdivide this edge ...
学习外语blender教程,经常遇到老师直接搜节点名字创建节点,自己又不想改用英文版,所以做个中英文对照表。 4.0更新添加了大量的二级菜单,所以改成了索引的形式。 英文中文位置Accumulate Field累积场实用工具→…
selecting multi edge loops: Shift + Option and clicking the right mouse button Transforming Edges, Vertices, and Faces very similar to transforming the entire object. Using the Extrude Transform switch to Face Select mode, Select wanna Extrude Faces. ...
See Vertex, Edge, and Face. 变换 移动、旋转与缩放的组合。 三角形 Face with exactly three Vertices. 用户 参见数据用户 UV映射 定义了网格表面与二维纹理之间的关系。详细地,网格的每个面被映射到纹理上的相应表面。可能的且常见的做法是将网格的几个面映射到纹理的相同或重叠的区域。 顶点 顶点 A point...
Origin(原心)与Vertices(点) Edges(边)又称为线,通常是由两个点连接而形成的线段。一条线段也不能被渲染出来,但是当多条线段通过缝合连接在一起时,就可以形成Faces(面)。Faces(面)是多边形网格中最小可渲染的单元,同时面也组成了多边形网格的物体表面。根据边数的不同,一个面可以分为Triangles(三边形)、...
Select ‣ Select More/Less ‣ More Hotkey Ctrl-NumpadPlus Menu Select ‣ Select More/Less ‣ Less Hotkey Ctrl-NumpadMinus With at least one vertex, edge, or face selected, Select More/Less expands or shrinks the selection. However, if there is only one selection in any selectio...