Select ‣ Linked 快捷键 L Selects all the bones in the chain which the active (last selected) bone belongs to. All Forks Selects all bones connected to the active bone even if the branch off from the current bone. Linked bones selection.¶ A single selected bone.¶ Its whole ...
Rig UI Pro 凭借骨骼集合管理、可见性书签和自定义属性等高级功能增强了动画工作流程。它支持诸如 AutoRig Pro 和 Rigify 等流行的骨架,为专业动画师和绑定师提供了定制面板和广泛的自定义选项。下载地址(PC端登录)
Select All Bones. Right-click the stalk bone, and press I to view the Insert Keyframe Menu. Select Scaling. !()[] The Timeline Window The Timeline window appears at the bottom of your screen; it looks like the followin...
Magic Bone UE5 Rig Creator 是一个专为Blender设计的插件,它允许用户将Blender中的动画角色和装备无缝转换为虚幻引擎5 (UE5) 兼容的装备。这个插件的目的是简化从Blender到UE5的工作流程,尤其是在游戏和电影制作中涉及复杂角色动画的场景。下载地址:
). In the small Clear Parent menu that pops up, choose Clear Parent to completely free all selected bones, or Disconnect Bone if you just want to break their connections. In the Properties, Bones tab, for each selected bone, you can select no parent in the Parent data ID of its ...
Align Bones 骨骼对齐 Ctrl+Alt+Alt Move to Bone Layers 移动到骨骼层 M View Bone Layers 查看骨骼图层 Shift+M Set Bone Flag 设置骨骼标志 Shift+W Switch Bone Direction 骨骼方向变换 Alt+F Scroll Hierarchy 滚动层次 ]/[ Select Hierarchy 选择层次 Shift ] / [ Select Connected 选择链接 L Node --...
Alt (De)Select All 选择/取消 全部物体 Alt+Right Click Select Object Behind 选择后面的物体 L Select Linked 选择链接物体 Ctrl+L Select All Linked 选择所有链接物体 B Box Select 框选 Ctrl Circle Select 环选 Ctrl+Click Lasso Tool Lasso工具 ...
bones.select_all_bones(export_rig, select=True, clear_active=True) if bind_pose_is_a_pose: angle = 30.0 * math.pi / 180.0 if "CC_Base_L_Upperarm" in export_rig.pose.bones and "CC_Base_R_Upperarm" in export_rig.pose.bones: left_arm_bone : bpy.types.PoseBone = export_rig.pos...
Select AllA Deselect AllAlt + A or A,A Marquee Box SelectB or LMB (drag)Circle SelectC Lasso...
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')['Armature'].select_set(True)['Armature'].children[0].select_set(True) if output_path.endswith('.glb'): print('Exporting to glTF binary (.glb)') # Currently exporting without shape/pose shapes for smaller fi...