obj.vertex_groups.remove(vertex_group)# GROUP_LIST DEFINED group_list = make_group_list()#4. MAIN FOR LOOP for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: for vertex_group_name in group_list: vertex_group = obj.vertex_groups.get(vertex_group_name) if vertex_group is not None: ...
我们在右侧的面版里,找到顶点组(Vertex Groups),点击右侧的加号,新建一个顶点组,给它安排一个名字,这里我取的是右上角的顶点组 此时此刻,它还是一个空的组,看见下面的 Assign(赋值/赋予/分配的意思)和Remove(移除)按钮了吗?在编辑模式下,我们选中一些点,然后点击 Assign,就可以将选中的点赋予到这个组里面了。
Clean Vertex Group Weights 清除顶点组权重: 删除不需要的顶点组分配。 Limit Total Vertex Groups 限制总顶点组: 通过删除最低权重,将与顶点关联的权重限制为特定数量。 Remove Unused Material Slots 删除未使用的物料槽: 卸下未使用的材料插槽。https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/dev/scene_layout/...
合并后,内部数据也进行合并,Materials, vertex-groups, UV and Vertex layers will be merged. 这些信息忽略 Modifiers, constraints, groups and parent relationships are ignored when joining and will not be applied to the active object. 53 The Fig. Selected object image shows both the solid view and ...
You can have the tools generate a transition across an axis (X by default), or if the item is a Mesh you can chose a Vertex Group.This property can appear multiple times if a Group is being exported. Armature propertiesThere are no special Action properties; instead, this panel displays ...
Disabling the option "Remove Zero Weight Bones" now also keeps unused vertex groups Importer: Imported meshes from VRM files now get automatically parented to their armature Imported armatures now always show their bones in front and in wire mode ...
Remove Doubles:移除重合点操作。 Blend from Shape/Vertex Groups:调节点在Shape(形变帧)和Vertex Groups(顶点组)上的变形过渡。? Shape Propagate:将当前的形变过渡应用至其他形变帧中。 Vertex Groups:顶点组,详细原理和应用将在后面重点讨论。 Hooks:钩,和顶点组一样,用于将一部分点集合起来设置为钩。
Disabling the option "Remove Zero Weight Bones" now also keeps unused vertex groups Importer: Imported meshes from VRM files now get automatically parented to their armature Imported armatures now always show their bones in front and in wire mode ...
To remove them from the group, deselect all the other vertices, those which should remain in the group, using box selection (B), but with MMB , not LMB , to define the box, so that all vertices within the box become deselected. 一旦不需要的顶点被选择,按Remove 按钮(The vertex groups ...
Beyond that, you'll need to go back over your mesh to check you don't have any detached vertices and/or individual vertices weighting using the "Vertex Weights" sub-section of "Transform" properties ("N") - just select a mesh and remove groups with "0" values.What version of Blender ...