bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() return{"FINISHED"}class moveforhelper(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "slicer.mo 贴吧用户_GA4bMWN 默默无闻 1 ve" bl_label = "slicermove" bl_description = "move when actuated" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): #bpy...
Object Origin Size:用于控制物体的原心尺寸,直径范围为410个Blender单位。Display Mini Axis:控制3D窗口左下角的小坐标尺寸,Size用于调节大小,Brightness则用来调节透明度。 View Manipulation(视图控制)设置Auto Depth:开启视图的自动Z缓冲深度检测。Zoom To Mouse Position:开启后,使用MMB对视角做旋转等操作时,...
Global view shows all of the 3D objects in the scene. Local view isolates the selected object or objects, so that they are the only ones visible in the viewport. This is useful for working on objects that are obscured by other ones, or to speed up viewport performance in heavy scenes. ...
Move to Layer 将物体移动到指定的图层 快捷键为 M Join 合并多个物体 快捷键为 Ctrl J Join as UVs 复制目标物体的 UV Constraints 弹出约束创建菜单 快捷键为为 Shift Ctrl C 如果要清除约束 快捷键为 Ctrl Alt C 如图 2 36 所示为其二级菜单 图 2 36 Constraints 约束创建 的二级菜单 Group 群组工具 ...
(obj.matrix_world * v[ind].co).to_tuple() else: return [(obj.matrix_world * v.co).to_tuple() for v in v] elif space == 'LOCAL': if isinstance(ind, int): return (v[ind].co).to_tuple() else: return [v.co.to_tuple() for v in v] # Returns Euclidean distance between ...
data.objects[].matrix_world * v.co给出全局坐标。幸运的是,这个数据块可以在对象模式和编辑模式下访问。我们将构建独立于模式的函数来访问这些坐标。参见清单 3-8 获取独立于模式的每组坐标的函数。这些函数牺牲了一些清晰度来换取简洁和高效。在这段代码中,v是表示我们的矩阵 L 的元组列表,obj.matrix_world是...
例如,Grab/Move(移动),快捷键为G;Rotate(旋转),快捷键为R;Scale(缩放),快捷键为S;To Sphere(球形化),快捷键为Shift+Alt+S;Shear(错位),快捷键为Shift+Ctrl+Alt+S;Warp(弯曲),快捷键为Shift+W。如图3-53所示为Transform(形变)工具的二级菜单。 Grab/Move:移动工具,用于移动被选多边形,如图3-54左图所示...
importbpydefmySpecifier(objName):# Return the datablockreturnbpy.data.objects[objName]# Store a reference to the datablockmyCube = mySpecifier('Cube')# Output the location of the originprint(myCube.location)# Works exactly the same as abovemyCube = bpy.data.objects['Cube']print(myCube.locati...
Origin: Move the rig to the origin Offset root: Move the rig to the origin, but offset the root bone to the cursor's location (note: doesn't work with all rigs correctly right now, will be improved in the future) Library Link mob: If disbaled, the group is appended (the groups is...