7. shift Z: redo 8. vertex选择模式下,按住alt键,点击边,可以环形边上的所有顶点。 9. 按两次g:edge side 10. shift c: cursor恢复到世界中心 11. shit right click: 设置新的cursor 12. c: Circle Select 13. shift D: duplicate Selected 14. P: Separate,分隔对象 15. M: Merge 16. 按住shift...
13 267.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 267 - 选择所有材质相同的面Select all faces with the sam267 00:52 266.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 266 - 按距离合并顶点Merge vertices by distance (Blender 00:53 265.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 265 - 网格的分离部分Separate parts of the mesh (...
旋转循环边(Rotate Edge Loop V1.7.0)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:18 滑动边缘(Slide Edge V1.5.0)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:39 快速管道(Quick Pipe V1.0)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:09 多边倒角(Hard Bevel V2.1.3)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:09 旋转移动(Bend Face V4.7.1)Blender中文...
顶点模式(Vertex Mode) [1](1键) 边模式(Edge Mode) [2](2键) 面模式(Face Mode) [3](3键) 环形选择(Loop Select) [ALT + LEFT CLICK](ALT + 左键单击) 平行环形选择(Parallel Loop Select) [CTRL + ALT + LEFT CLICK](CTRL + ALT + 左键单击) 平移边(Slide Edge) [G, G](G键,G键)...
https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/dev/modeling/meshes/editing/vertex/bevel_vertices.html 模型 编辑模式 边倒角 Bevel Edges Ctrl-BAffect 影响 V Width Type 宽度类型 M Width A Segments 段数 S Shape 形状 P (0-1) Material Index 材料指标 ...
吸附模式分为5种,分别是Volume(体积)、Face(面)、Edge(边)、Vertex(点)和Increment(网格)。在选择一种吸附方式后,还需要在旁边的菜单中选择对应的吸附目标,如图2-58右图所示,包括Active(激活的)、Median(正中的)、Center(中央的)和Closest(最近的)。紧接着在旁边有两个图标: 表示是否应用目标物体的旋转角度 ...
This tool curves each selected edge loop onto a spline which is controled by the first and the last edge of the edgeloop. The tool operates in the direction of the flow of the edgeloop, indicated by the green in the image. Mix:Blend between intial vertex positions and the interpolated ...
使用Edge&Vertex Slide Snap边线或者顶点滑移时所有吸附选项都可用。 5、倒角增强 ·自定义轮廓的Bezier贝塞尔曲线,倒角修改器的自定义轮廓现在支持Bezier曲线控制手柄类型。 ·新的绝对模式:倒角工具和修改器有了新的“绝对值”模式,用于解释“数量”值。此模式类似于“百分比”,但相比百分比而言,它测量的是相邻边的...
(we will smooth later on with another function, dont put this resolution to very high value, it is useless waist of memory) MERGE adjacent vertices (2) Put the distance to 0 (because we have a very little object we need the vertices to really merge at short distances) (3) ...
Blender Secrets 074 - Sphere With Quads.mp4 Blender Secrets 075 - More Fracture Stuff!.mp4 Blender Secrets 076 - Move a Vertex Along The Opposite Direction Of an Edge.mp4 Blender Secrets 077 - Unwrap a Cup - Follow Active Quads.mp4 Blender Secrets 078 - Export UV Layout.mp4 Blender Secrets...