Press the "A" key to select all vertices. Press the "M" key and choose "By Distance" from the menu. Adjust the "Merge Distance" slider according to your needs, and Blender will automatically merge the overlapping vertices. Removing doubles can help you create a clean, closed-volume mesh ...
that this was a wrong way to ensure clean stroke topology, since just deleting overlapping vertices may break the continuity of the underlying series of FEdges on top of which the stroke has been built. Such a break of linked FEdges was a major cause of frequent failure in CurvePoint::get...
These modifies are perfect for the precision lover. Not only for the numeric input but for the fact numbers can be changed at any time unless the modifier is “applied”. Array also comes with a “merge” option that makes arrayed objects to lock nicely one to another, no overlapping parts...
Auto Merge Vertices In the above image, you can see a new option under Auto Merge called Split Edges & Faces. After testing it out for some time, I still have no idea what exactly it is useful for. Here's what the Blender 2.81 release notes have to say: ...
There are also other options to explore. These are displayed in the Info Bar at the bottom of Blender. For example, C to make a cut through the mesh rather than just on the surface. X, Y or Z to constrain the cut to the Global X, Y or Z Axis. ...
Works only on tube-like parts of mesh defined by selection and active vertex (therefore you must be in vertex selection mode) and the selection must have a start and an end ring. Tube-like mesh is: all quads, no caps, fixed number of vertices in each ring. (Best example of such mesh...
Blender gives you the Funktion “Merge by Distance” This is one of the functions I have in my Quickmenu. Normals Direction If you do gaming models it is very important that you always check the direction of the Normals, I not, Backface-Culling will hit you in the Face UV-Mapping and...
Works only on tube-like parts of mesh defined by selection and active vertex (therefore you must be in vertex selection mode) and the selection must have a start and an end ring. Tube-like mesh is: all quads, no caps, fixed number of vertices in each ring. (Best example of such mesh...