⣿ 增强顶点组 (Vertex Group Plus 1.0.0中英对照版)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:58 🕀 纹素密度 (Texel Density Checker 2024.2中英对照版)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:53 💅 动态拖尾 (Smear 1.1.2中英对照版)Blender中文版插件免费下载 01:59 🚕 汽车瞬移 (Car Teleporter 1.0.8中英对照版)Bl...
Use this to make portions of your mesh hairier than others by weight painting a vertex group, and then calling out the name of the vertex group in the Vertex Groups panel Properties ‣ Particles tab.Next Previous © Copyright : This page is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Int. ...
本插件是关于Vertex Group Plus顶点组管理控制Blender插件V1.0.0 Beta版,大小:73 KB,支持Blender 2.8 - 4.3软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。RRCG分享Vertex Group Plus 是一个 Blender 插件,为 Blender 的顶点组提供了额外的实用功能。主要特点:标签和过滤:...
Make Group 分组 Ctrl+G Ungroup 不分组 Alt+G Edit Group 编辑组 TAB Move Background 移动背景 Alt+Middle Mouse Zoom In Background 放大背景 V Zoom Out Background 缩小背景 Alt+V Properties 属性 N Pose Mode -- 造型模式 Apply Pose 应用造型 Ctrl+Alt Clear Pose Rotation 清除造型旋转 Alt+R Clear...
#3. DELETE THE GROUP def delete_group(obj, vertex_group): obj.vertex_groups.remove(vertex_group)# GROUP_LIST DEFINED group_list = make_group_list()#4. MAIN FOR LOOP for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects: for vertex_group_name in group_list:...
Make Group 分组 Ctrl+G Ungroup 不分组 Alt+G Edit Group 编辑组 TAB Move Background 移动背景 Alt+Middle Mouse Zoom In Background 放大背景 V Zoom Out Background 缩小背景 Alt+V Properties 属性 N Pose Mode -- 造型模式 Apply Pose 应用造型 Ctrl+Alt Clear Pose Rotation 清除造型旋转 Alt+R Clear...
Cast Modifier (Or How To Make Another W 03:04 132blender每日小技巧132-有限溶解(或如何制作一个令人敬畏的科幻球体……)Limited Dissolve (Or How To Make An A 03:04 134blender每日小技巧134-容易和快速选择行面Select Rows Of Faces Easily And Quickly 00:58 135blender每日小技巧135-编织插件1...
Take into account that when adding collision objects Blender makes more calculations and that will make the animation to play slower. Choose an animation frameChoose an animation frameChoose the frame of the animation in which the cape has the shape you like the best. Once you've run the ...
图2-37 Group(群组)的二级菜单Track:建立跟随关系,如图2-38所示为其二级菜单,快捷键为Ctrl+T,取消跟随关系快捷键为Alt+T。Parent:建立父子关系,如图2-39所示为其二级菜单,快捷键为Ctrl+P,取消父子关系的快捷键为Alt+P。 图2-38 Track(跟随)的二级菜单 图2-39 Parent(父子)的二级菜单Make Single User:取消...
随机值Random Value 切換Switch 群组Group 建立组Make Group 解散组Ungroup 组输入Group Input 组输出Group Output 布局Layout 框Frame 转接点Reroute©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销