To maintain the view focused on the camera, select the camera while in camera view and press the “Delete” key on the numpad.NOTE: The view will snap to a camera even if it is hidden in the scene hierarchy. However, selecting a hidden camera in the scene view is not possible, althou...
Bottom Z Axis 底视图 Show background image in bottom view 在底视图中显示背景图片 Top Z Axis 顶视图 Show background image in top view 在顶视图中显示背景图片 All Views Other 全部视图 Show background image in all views 在全部视图中显示背景图片 Camera Other 摄像机视图 Show background image in ...
Founder Rea Ann Silva’s experience spans a 20-year journey as one of the most sought-after Hollywood makeup artists. As the creative force behind beautyblender, she changed the beauty game. The one-of-a-kind edgeless makeup sponge ensured her clients looked impeccable on camera in high-de...
Added function to align any object to view location and orientation (useful for placing lights and cameras). Added function to add a camera at current view location and orientation. Added function to setup a main face tracking camera centered on character's head. ...
Moves and rotates the active camera to the current viewpoint.活动相机对齐选中的物体将活动相机指向所选物体;基于当前视角方向。Center Cursor and Frame All Shift-C将游标移动到坐标轴原点,并放大或缩小视图以查看场景中所有物体(包括游标)。视图中心对齐游标...
New Camera From View You can Create New Camera From View which is a more Intuitive Way of Adding New Camera and Bind Camera to Timeline Marker at Current Frame When you Create The Camera CameraFromView.webm Camera Booth Create A "Camera Booth" where it have Camera In Angles from Many Vi...
In the 3D Viewport, depth of field only works while in Camera View. 景深只在相机视图起作用。 The post-process method is computed in two passes. The first pass is using a blur that fails to produce quality bokeh for highlights but works for the general case. Followed by a second pass wh...
* 可以使用Camera摄像机来实现带3D运动镜头的手绘线稿动画,在3D View视图里按数字键盘0切换到摄像机视图即可。 * 如果想做“纯2D”的平面动画,建议把摄像机放到Top顶视图上,并在右边的Propperites特性编辑器的摄像机Object Data物体数据标签页里,Len镜头栏目下,选用Orthographic正交投影模式,然后再进行各帧的动画描绘。
因为是侧视图, 所以需要设置Orthogonal camera, 通过"ORTHO" 来实现, 这个没什么好说的, 接下来就是确定相机的位置, 角度, 以及它的视野范围 ortho_scale 来确保囊括进所有模型. 计算视野范围其实有很多方式, 每个方式都有自己的坑, (我全踩了一遍...)最后是使用object.bound_box来算坐标的...
If the 3D object is extremely large or small, or hard to see, or is possibly off-screen as shown in the following graphic, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom the camera in or out until the model is visible. If the 3D object appears gray, select the Look Dev shading option to sho...