如果前景比50% 灰度暗,则背景(A)的中间色调向暗部偏移;如果前景比50%灰度亮,则背景(A)的中间色调向亮部偏移。 柔光(Soft Light):与叠加相似,但更柔和。 当A≤0.5时,C=A*B*2+A*A*(1-B*2);当A>0.5时,C=A*(1-B)*2+sqrt(A)*(2*B-1) sqrt为平方根。 线性光(Linear Light): C=A+2*B-...
线性光(Linear Light):根据混合对象颜色的亮度来决定混合的方式。通过增加或减少背景颜色的亮度和对比度...
2. The Principled Hair Node 1. Introduction to shaping things using math 2. We start using Vector Math 3. Creating stuff using Polar Coordinates 4. Tiling by breaking down the map using Fraction. 1. Create scratches using brush and TexturePaint 2. Scratches using the Linear Light MixRGB 3...
Documentation & Tutorials Become a power user by learning how to tweak materials, change import options and more. Blender Addon Docs Poliigon Addon for Blender Changelog Friday, November 22, 2024 v1.10.2 Blender 2.83 - 4.3 Tested on Blender: 4.4 (alpha), 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, ...
Use Compositing to feed the Mist pass to the Alpha Over node to blend the background color (or a render layer with just the sky) with the rendered image. This produces the mist effect but since Mist is off the object transparency (or lack of) is preserved. Settings¶ 参考 面板 World...
Node Editor(结点编辑器)编辑窗口 View(视图)菜单如图2-99所示,View(视图)菜单提供了一些常用的缩放和属性工具。 ? 图2-99? View(视图)菜单 View All:显示当前窗口中的所有结点,快捷键为Home。 Properties:显示属性面板,快捷键为N。 Select(选择)菜单如图2-100所示为Node Editor(结点编辑...
box.label(text="Scene, World & Compositor", icon="NODE_COMPOSITING") column = layout.column() grid = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, align=True) grid.operator("cc3.scene", icon="FILTER", text="Filter").param = "FILTER_LIGHTS" grid.prop(props, "light_filter", text=f...
1.6.1node节点工具(右上角搜索):勾选“Node Wrangler 强大的节点工具”1.6.2Rigify自带的强大绑骨...
这里会发现甜甜圈是紫色的,是因为没有添加任何的底材质,所以默认为紫色,这里需要将我们上一篇已经添加好的材质颜色等等节点里的效果附加上去,所以,先返回shading模式,添加一个Texture-Image texture,这个node是用一张2D图片包裹3D物体,我们这里需要一张棕黄底色的图片,并在中间部分刷上一些浅色,来实现开头想要的效果,同...
Next, we are going to add anotherMultiplynode, aVoronoi Texture, and aMap Range. Connect the Vector output fromScaletoColor1in the duplicate ofMultiply. Then connectColorof theNoise TexturetoColor2ofMultiply. After doing so, changeMultiplytoLinear Light. Next, change theFeature Outputof theVoronoi...