softimage 相关功能名字是 Extrude 和 Extrude Along Curve blender_yang 颇具盛名 7 中文资料翻译为 挤出 和 延曲线挤出。中文同意不同词的东西太多,但CG行业基本上都是认同 extrude翻译为 挤出 的。因为挤出有 延伸出一个新结构的意思,而拉伸似乎 更强调自身结构的位移或缩放。 zlinch 远近闻名 10 Max 和...
The extrude tool is one of the most common modeling tools. Select one or more elements of your mesh and hit “E” to extrude a new region. The tool has some variations. “Alt+E” will bring up the menu to let you choose any of the alternatives. Extrude along normals is the first ...
A second Extrude operation, called Extrude Individual (Shift+E), works, depending on which selection mode you chose. If you're in Face Select mode, then the Extrude Individual operation extrudes each face you selected along its independent normal....
1.2 Checking Normals Normals are important because they define the direction of the faces in your object. If they're not facing the right way, you might encounter issues when hollowing out your object. Here's how to check and correct normals: Select your object and enterEdit Modeby pressin...
There is a feature of this software that allows you to enter a command (to move, to extrude, to rotate...) and then enter a value. For example, you could enter the command to rotate an object (using the 'R' key). After clicking R, you could rotate the object freehand. For a ...
Allows you to define a clipping border to limit the 3D View display to a portion of 3D space. It can assist in the process of working with complex models and scenes. 切割 视图。 被切掉的不显示,并且工具只对能看见的部分才有效果 但是不影响摄像机 ...
Once the cutout is made, we can select the inner part and extrude it inwards or delete it and continue model around the hole. Related content:Extrude in Blender: Basics, along curve, circles, manifold and more The benefit of the knife tool is that it is quick and we can cut out custom...
Those little orange arrows coming off the highlighted faces show the directions of your surface normals. When you activate the Inset Face tool and tweak the depth slider on the toolbar... you're going to extrude and scale those face along those lines... Neat, huh? You can take ...
hold shift and then select the lattice. Both should be pink now, but the lattice is brighter to indicate it's the active selection. Now we'll make the lattice the parent of the spheroid. Select CTRL-P, and a message comes up: Make Parent: Normal Parent, Lattice Deform. Select the Lat...
Allows you to define a clipping border to limit the 3D View display to a portion of 3D space. It can assist in the process of working with complex models and scenes. 切割 视图。 被切掉的不显示,并且工具只对能看见的部分才有效果 但是不影响摄像机 ...