bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')# Set the 'select' property of the datablock to Truebpy.data.objects[objName].select =True# Select only 'Cube'mySelector('Cube')# Select 'Sphere', keeping other selectionsmySelector('Sphere', additive=True)# Translate selected objects 1 unit a...
Fast View SwitchAlt + MMB (drag)Show All ObjectsHome Zoom to regionShift + B Object Mode (3D...
Clears all objects from the current Blender scene. This function selects all objects in the scene and deletes them. It is useful when starting a new scene setup or resetting the scene to a blank state. No inputs or outputs. Typically called at the beginning of a script when starting a ...
parent_collection.collection.objects.link(instance_obj) # convert instances to real objects (with hierarchy) bpy.data.objects[entity].select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.duplicates_make_real(use_base_parent=True, use_hierarchy=True) # delete original collection bpy.data.collections.remove(source_collect...
Deletes the collection and removes all its child objects or collections. It is important to note that this only deletes the collection, if child objects are part of another collection they will stay in the scene collection and their data-blocks will not be deleted from the blend-file. 实例...
vbos :启用 vertex buffer objects顶点缓冲体,用于优化视图渲染。window draw method:界面显示模式选项。test anti-aliasing:开启文字的抗锯齿优化显示模式。2.2 28、.7.4 textures贴图设置limit size:是否使用贴图尺寸限制。time out :贴图在更新后的刷新时间。collection rate:贴图回收的刷新时间。 sequencer ...
@classmethod def unregister(cls): print("Unregistered class: %s " % cls.bl_label) # Delete parameters related to the class here def register(): # Implicitly register objects inheriting bpy.types in current file and scope #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) # Or explicitly register objects...
bpy.ops.object.delete() # clear everything for now scene.camera = None for obj in scene.objects: #scene.objects.remove(obj) obj.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.delete() # create sphere and make it smooth bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(location = (2,1,2), radius=0.5) ...
Blender Secrets 272 - Turn on Auto Smooth for all objects at once (Blender 2.7 & 2.8).mp4 Blender Secrets 273 - Destructive Extrude (Blender 2.7).mp4 Blender Secrets 274 - Camera Track To Constraint (Blender 2.7).mp4 Blender Secrets 275 - Smooth low poly edges (Blender 2.8).mp4 Blender ...
VBOs:启用Vertex Buffer Objects顶点缓冲体,用于优化视图渲染。 Window Draw Method:界面显示模式选项。 Test Anti-aliasing:开启文字的抗锯齿优化显示模式。 Textures(贴图)设置 Limit Size:是否使用贴图尺寸限制。 Time Out:贴图在更新后的刷新时间。 Collection Rate:贴图回收的刷新时间。