一、地形(Terrain) 1,Hierarchy(层级试图)-Create(创建)-3D Object-Terrain(地形) 创建后的一个简单地形如图所示 2,Terrain(地形)组件内有七个图标,主要使用前六个: (1)第一个图标:升高,单击鼠标,地形升高; (2)第二个:选中第二个图标-点击Flatten,选择第一个图标,按住Shift键同时点击鼠标左键,此时地势下降...
参数设置HeightfieldInfo info(128, 128, _heightMapData.getBytes(), PHY_UCHAR, 1.6f / uData, -1.f, 1.f, btVector3(25.f / uData, 1.f, 25.f / uData)); (uData为_heightMapData的最大值) 自定义数据生成高度地形图(PHY_FLOAT) 参数设置HeightfieldInfo info(128, 128, mapData, PHY_FLOAT,...
Blender 2.9 使用HeightMap创建地形 Displace Modifier The Displace modifier displaces vertices in a mesh based on the intensity of a texture. 依据纹理,修改顶点位置 创建平面 删除场景中默认的立方体,添加Plane,对plane进行适当缩放,plane太小,会导致接下来的无... ...
const largeGround = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGroundFromHeightMap( "largeGround", "https://assets.babylonjs.com/environments/villageheightmap.png", { width:150, height:150, subdivisions: 20,// 细分:棱角分明程度,数值越大坡度越大,越棱角分明 minHeight:0, maxHeight: 10 } ); const largeGroundMa...
The software generates terrains for use in games and real-time applications, either by editing real-world elevation data, or creating terrain from scratch, exporting the result as a heightmap or a 3D mesh. Use simple 'Photoshop-like' filters to modify terrain ...
1、观察3D模型 2、选择3D模型 3、移动3D模型 4、放大缩小3D模型 5、旋转3D模型 五、我们来做个手机...
最后点击Micro Details→Micro Height→On。 要导出贴图,转到File→Export Textures或者按Control+Shift+E ,在某些情况下,可以添加Emissive、Ambient Occlusion和Thickness。 03 渲染 Control+Shift+T是加载基本贴图,并自动连接它们的必备快捷键!选择Base Color, Metalness,Roughness和Normal Map。必须单独添加Emissivesth和SS...
可以模拟真实的天体星球效果,控制环境、旋转、表面效果、星环等 Physical Celestial Objects lets you create physically accurate planets on a real scale with just a few clicks. Add celestial bodies Choose how the planet looks by setting image Textures (Albedo, Roughness, Height map, Emission) Set the ...
Is similar to Bump Mapping, but instead of the image being a grayscale heightmap, the colors define in which direction the normal should be shifted, the three color channels being mapped to the three directions X, Y and Z. This allows more detail and control over the effect. NURBS 非均匀...
If the height of the object changes (e.g. you apply Scale) or the resolution of the original image changes, then you should first clear existing heightmaps. Objects with overlapping geometry are supported, but the resulting heightmap might create unwanted deformations when applied back to the ...