这些节点要么只适用于世界材质 (Background,World Output), 要么通常用于世界材质(Environment Texture,Light Path,Sky Texture)。 # 背景(Background) 此节点用于设置背景颜色,以及基于图像的照明和反射。它很少单独使用,因为它只生成一种纯色。您可以将其与环境纹理结合起来使用以得到最佳效果。 请看Blender手册中关于...
关于Blender 一、插入背景图片 1、‘N’调出右栏工具,拖至后面有Background Images 打钩,点开三角形,按‘add image’ all views 可以确定加入图片到哪个view,open可以添加。添加后可以改变参数。 二、按‘N’调出右栏工具,display---toggle quad view可以快速调出四视图窗口。 三、F12--预览渲染后结果,Esc退出视...
How to light your scene. How to add background elements without increasing the render time. How to add a sky to the scene. How to add some dust to the scene. How to add some mountains in the background without increasing the render time. How to create the flying camera animation just ...
scene.background = new THREE.Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.1); scene.add(ambientLight); const directionLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.2); scene.add(directionLight); // directionLight.position.set (10, 10, 10); directionLight....
set output format to .png self.blender_renderer.alpha_mode = 'TRANSPARENT' world = bpy.context.scene.world world.horizon_color = background_color world.light_settings.use_environment_light = True world.light_settings.environment_color = 'SKY_COLOR' world.light_settings.environment_energy = 1. ...
return ('cycles' in bpy.context.preferences.addons.keys())class dsky(Operator): bl_idname = "sky.dyn" bl_label = "Make a Procedural sky" bl_description = ("Make a Procedural Sky with parameters in the 3D View\n" "Note: Available just for Cycles renderer\n" "Only the last created...
Use Compositing to feed the Mist pass to the Alpha Over node to blend the background color (or a render layer with just the sky) with the rendered image. This produces the mist effect but since Mist is off the object transparency (or lack of) is preserved. Settings¶ 参考 面板 World...
Sky: Imports the skybox as the world background. Sky output height: Controls the quality of the imported sky. The skybox is converted into a different format, so quality might suffer if this is set too low. The default setting is 0, which automatically calculates an optimal resolution. Pro...
The Node Concept - Default Shader nodes( outputs, Diffuse ,Background, Emission) The Node Concept - Glossy Shader #3 - YouTube The Node Concept #4 - Mix and Add Shader The Node Concept #5 - Invisibility inducing nodes The Node Concept #6 - Light Bending Nodes The Node Concept #7 - ...