The partial conversion of certain lignin model compounds (vanillin, guaiacol, and veratrole) to peroxides by the action of aqueous ClO2 was established. The possible mechanism of such reactions as well as the significance of peroxide intermediates in the bleaching and delignification processes of ...
4. Mechanism of Bleaching: The nascent oxygen reacts with the chromophores (the part of the molecule responsible for its color) in colored substances. This reaction breaks the bonds in the chromophores, effectively decolorizing the material. ...
Sridach W (2010) The environmentally benign pulping process of non-wood fibers. Suranaree J Sci Technol 17(2):105–123 Google Scholar Takai M, Colvin JR (1978) Mechanism of transition between cellulose I and cellulose II during mercerization. J Polym Sci Polym Chem Ed 16:1335–1342 Articl...
Proposed Mechanism of the Enzymatic Bleaching of Kraft Pulp with Xylanases The modification of fibre surface by an enzymatic pretreatment was studied by analyzing the hydrolysis products released from the pulps and the molar mass ... A Kantelinen,B Hortling,J Sundquist,... - 《Holzforschung》 ...
Chapter3 Bleaching Chapter3Bleaching Prof.Dr.Yankelu 3.1Intruction •Scouringgenerallyremovesallimpuritiesexceptthenaturalcolouringmatterswhichhavetobebrokendownbybleaching,eitherwithanoxidizingorareducingagent.Almostinvariablytheoxidizingagentsgiveamorepermanent.Whenthecolourisacteduponbyareducingagent,thereisalwaysthe...
The mechanism of bleaching of hydrogen peroxide is not well understood. Reducing agents are thought to work by reduction of the chromophoric carbonyl groups in textiles or pulp. The most widely used bleach in the United States is liquid chlorine bleach, an alkaline aqueous solution of sodium ...
2,5-Dihydroxy-[1,4]-benzoquinone (DHBQ, 1) is the most prominent representative of cellulosic key chromophores, which occur almost ubiquitously in all types of aged cellulosics. The degradation of DHBQ by chlorine dioxide under conditions of industrial pulp bleaching (“D stage”) was studied,...
Proposed Mechanism of the Enzymatic Bleaching of Kraft Pulp with Xylanases The modification of fibre surface by an enzymatic pretreatment was studied by analyzing the hydrolysis products released from the pulps and the molar mass ... A Kantelinen,B Hortling,J Sundquist,... - 《Holzforschung》 ...
BLEACHING OF PULP 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献External resorption associated with bleaching of pulpless teeth Harrington GW, Natkin E. GW Harrington,E Natkin - 《Journal of Endodontics》 被引量: 272发表: 1979年 Proposed Mechanism of the Enzymatic Bleaching of Kraft Pulp with Xylanases The...
Total Chlorine Free BleachingThis paper summarizes the review of developments in the area of ozone-based elemental chlorine free (ECF) and total chlorine free (TCF) bleaching of wood and non-wood pulps. Focused areas of review are reaction mechanism of ozone with carbohydrates and lignin, effect...