Nintendo Switch Bleach: Brave SoulsLoading Based on the BLEACH anime and Shonen Jump manga! DIVE INTO THE ACTION-PACKED WORLD OF BLEACHFrom the human-populated world of the living to the Soul Society, home of Soul Reapers and the spirits of the dead, the bleak realm of Hueco Mundo, where...
DIVE INTO THE ACTION-PACKED WORLD OF BLEACH From the human-populated world of the living to the Soul Society, home of Soul Reapers and the spirits of the dead, the bleak realm of Hueco Mundo, where evil spirits known as Hollows reside, and the depths of Hell, final resting place of sin...
《死神:勇敢的灵魂(Bleach: Brave Souls)》将于2024年7月11日进行发售,感兴趣的小伙伴可以去游戏星辰官网switch游戏下载目录获取。
Bleach: Brave Souls is an action game based on Bleach for Android and iOS devices, Steam, PS4 (PS5 indirectly from backwards compatibility), Xbox One (XBS indirectly from backwards compatibility), and the Nintendo Switch. It was published by KLab Global
Steam 以及 Steam 商標均為Valve Corporation在美國和(或)其他國家(地區)所註冊的商標。"PlayStation Family Mark" and "PS4 logo" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.Nintendo Switch logo and Nintendo Switch are the trademarks of Nintendo....
《死神Brave Souls(BLEACH Brave Souls)》是一款仅需简单操作便可畅游于3D空间的超爽快动作类游戏!施展极具震撼力的斩击动作,碾压敌人的攻势吧!此外协力作战关卡中还支持最多4人同时游玩!邀请好友一同挑战,攻克高难度关卡吧! 展开游戏视频 游戏配置 最低配置 推荐配置 操作系统: Windows 10(64bit) CPU: In...
使用條款 隱私權政策 洽詢 © Nintendo Hong Kong
KLabGames hasannouncedthe free-to-play action game,Bleach: Brave Souls, is now available for Xbox consoles via theXbox Store, while the Nintendo Switch version will launch at a later date. The game previously released for thePlayStation 4,PC, iOS, and Android. ItsupportsEnglish, Japanese, Fr...
Bleach: Brave Souls Developer KLab announced that Bleach: Brave Souls is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox consoles with brand new content and features. (Photo : KLab / Screenshot taken from official website) The game will be released in several languages; Japanese, English, French, an...
KLabannounced that it will bringBleach: Brave Soulsto the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One in Summer 2024. While the Xbox version will involve Xbox One as its primary platform, the company assured that it will also be available on the Xbox Series X via backward compatibility. ...