TVアニメ・ジャンプで人気のあの『BLEACH』のゲームアプリ『BLEACH Brave Souls』! TVアニメ放映、ジャンプで掲載した『BLEACH』のキャラクターが登場するアクションRPG アニメゲーム。美麗な映像や迫力あるモーション演出、3Dグラフィックで描く壮大な『BLEACH』の世界を堪能しよう! ◆闘いの...
人氣火紅的電視動畫.Jump漫畫《BLEACH 死神》所推出的遊戲「BLEACH: Brave Souls」! 電視動畫.Jump漫畫《BLEACH 死神》作中角色登場的動作RPG動漫遊戲。來盡情享受美麗的影像與魄力十足的動作效果,以及運用3D圖像所創造的《BLEACH 死神》壯闊世界! ◆對戰舞台為《BLEACH 死神》的世界人類居住的「現世」、死神與死後的靈...
In some regions, you have an option to choose a World (server) at the start of the game. However, there is no difference between the different servers except for the languages offered and certain purchasable items. Official Site X Account: https://tw...
Bleach: Brave Souls is an action game based on Bleach for Android and iOS devices, Steam, PS4 (PS5 indirectly from backwards compatibility), Xbox One (XBS indirectly from backwards compatibility), and the Nintendo Switch. It was published by KLab Global
Bleach: Brave Soulsis out now, and free-to-play on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. And we’ve got an extra gift for you: if you download the game on Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One you will get a free in-game pack that contains items which are ideal for new players, such as a ...
死神:勇敢的灵魂(BLEACH Brave Souls)是 Klab 旗下以人气动漫死神为主题的 RPG 战斗游戏。游戏主线背景故事主要根据由久保带人笔下的人气动漫作品《死神》改编,因此将延续原漫画中的世界观,玩家可从漫画中出现的所有角色中挑选自己喜欢的来进行战斗!努力守护尸魂界!
死神:勇敢的灵魂(BLEACH Brave Souls)是 Klab 旗下以人气动漫死神为主题的 RPG 战斗游戏。游戏主线背景故事主要根据由久保带人笔下的人气动漫作品《死神》改编,因此将延续原漫画中的世界观,玩家可从漫画中出现的所有角色中挑选自己喜欢的来进行战斗!努力守护尸魂界!
KLab 株式会社(总部:东京都港区、代表取缔役社长:森田英克、以下称「KLab」)旗下集BLEACH死神之大成,对应PC、智慧型装置的3D 动作游戏《BLEACH Brave Souls》宣布,日本时间8月31日(二)16:00起,推出「Party Time召唤―One Night Dream―」。 新★5角色介绍 ...
KLabannounced that it will bringBleach: Brave Soulsto the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One in Summer 2024. While the Xbox version will involve Xbox One as its primary platform, the company assured that it will also be available on the Xbox Series X via backward compatibility. ...
Bleach: Brave Souls‘ story mode starts from the first arc of the Bleach anime, “The Substitute Soul Reaper” arc, and goes all the way through to the events depicted in the newly released “Bleach TV Animation Series: Thousand-Year Blood War”. Along the way, you can enjoy 3D action ...