BLE.setAdvertisingInterval(advertisingInterval) 参数 advertisingInterval:以0.625 毫秒为单位的广告间隔 返回 无。 示例 // begin initialization if (!BLE.begin()) { Serial.println("starting Bluetooth® Low Energy module failed!"); while (1); } // ... BLE.setAdvertisingInterval(320); // 200...
let us now see if it contains the service we are looking for.(判断一下有没有服务UUID以及是否是我们要找的服务UUID) if (advertisedDevice.haveServiceUUID() && advertisedDevice.isAdvertisingService(
/* Start advertisement */ apiResult = CyBle_GappStartAdvertisement(CYBLE_ADVERTISING_CUSTOM); if(apiResult != CYBLE_ERROR_OK) { CYASSERT(0); } break; 清单2:赛普拉斯 BLE 开发包中的这段代码片段演示了信标的事件处理,这里显示了初始启动事件的处理程序,它初始化广告数据包并启动广告序列。(代码来源:...
uint8 initial_advertising_enable = FALSE; #else // For other hardware platforms, device starts advertising upon initialization uint8 initial_advertising_enable = TRUE; #endif // By setting this to zero, the device will go into the waiting state after // being discoverable for 30.72 se...
Advertising_Type (广播类型)广播的类型一般分为四种,分别是:1.可连接的非定向广播(Connectable Undirected Event Type)。这是一种用途最广的广播类型,包括...也不能带有其他附加数据。该净荷只能包含两个必须的地址。3.不可连接的非定向广播(Non-connectable Undirected Event Type)。仅仅广播数据。4.可扫描的非...
uint8 initial_advertising_enable = FALSE; #else // For other hardware platforms, device starts advertising upon initialization uint8 initial_advertising_enable = TRUE; #endif // By setting this to zero, the device will go into the waiting state after ...
advertising_start() 2. 常见操作 2.1 修改设备名称 一般蓝牙设备的名称是按照 “固定名称 + 部分MAC地址” 的形式。 在SDK中,设备固定名称定义为宏DEVICE_NAME,后面加部分MAC地址,在gap_params_init()函数中实现。 2.2 广播间隔 广播间隔在SDK中,定义为APP_ADV_INTERVAL宏。广播间隔值为:APP_ADV_INTERVAL * ...
( CC2540_MINIDK ) // For the CC2540DK-MINI keyfob, device doesn't start advertising until button is pressed uint8 initial_advertising_enable = FALSE; #else // For other hardware platforms, device starts advertising upon initialization uint8 initial_advertising_enable = TRUE; #endif // By ...
uint8 initial_advertising_enable = FALSE; #else // For other hardware platforms, device starts advertising upon initialization uint8 initial_advertising_enable = TRUE; #endif // By setting this to zero, the device will go into the waiting state after ...
开发者ID:ClarePhang,项目名称:nrf51-ble-tutorial-advertising,代码行数:22,代码来源:main.c 示例10: ble_stack_init ▲点赞 1▼ //...这里部分代码省略...ble_ios_init_tios_init; ios_init.evt_handler_in = svc_ios_handler_in;//ios_init.evt_handler_out = svc_ios_handler_out;ios_init...