一、发送BLE广播 调用蓝牙适配器的getBluetoothLeAdvertiser方法,获得BluetoothLeAdvertiser广播器对象。 广播器的主要方法说明如下: startAdvertising方法表示开始发送BLE广播, stopAdvertising方法表示停止发送BLE广播。 在广播回调对象的onStartSuccess方法中,要给BLE服务端添加服务及其特征值,并开启GATT服务器等待客户端连接。
你可以根据需要更改广告设置和数据。 步骤4:停止广告 在MainActivity的onDestroy()方法中,添加以下代码: if(bluetoothAdapter!=null&&bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()){bluetoothAdapter.getBluetoothLeAdvertiser().stopAdvertising(advertiseCallback);} 1. 2. 3. 这段代码将在应用程序销毁时停止BLE广告。 步骤5:运行应...
<manifestxmlns:android="package="com.example.bleadvertisementdemo"><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/><uses-featureandroid:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le"/><!-- ... --></manifest> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
BleConnectOrSyncCallback.javaBleGattCallback.javaBleBluetoothManager.java BleConnectOrSyncCallback.java package com.yangsion.test.bluetooth.ble; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt; /** * 状态回调接口 */ public interface BleConnectOrSyncCallback { /** * 连接和同步数据状态回调方法 * @param status...
AdvertisingDataMap Class Returns the runtime class of this Object. (Inherited from Object) DeviceName Returns the local name of the BLE device. Handle The handle to the underlying Android instance. (Inherited from Object) JniIdentityHashCode (Inherited from Object) JniPeerMembers Manufactu...
How do you connect to a BLE device? Sometimes the advertising data from a device is all you need. Bluetooth beacons are an example of this. In that case, everything is contained inresult.scanRecordin your scanCallback’s onScanResult override. Your life is simple. ...
With the autoconnect flag set to false the connection will end up with an error if a BLE device is not advertising when the RxBleDevice#establishConnection method is called. From platform to platform timeout after which the error is emitted differs, but in general it is rather tens of ...
Having issues when trying to discover ESP32 device running AT program using Android device. My issues only come up when I set the advertising data. When advertising data is set, I can no longer discover the device. It does not show up in...