公开目标地址:TYPE = 0x17,表示希望这个广播包被指定的目标设备处理,此设备绑定了公开地址,DATA 是目标地址列表,每个地址 6 字节。 随机目标地址: 随机目标地址:TYPE = 0x18,定义和前一个类似,表示希望这个广播包被指定的目标设备处理,此设备绑定了随机地址,DATA 是目标地址列表,每个地址 6 字节。 Appearance: A...
4.1.1 广播数据类型Advertising Data Types 4.2 广播时间分析 4.3 广播类型Advertising_Type 4.4 广播信道Physical Channel 4.5 广播事件Advertising Event 5 蓝牙BLE扫描 5.1 扫描参数 5.1.1 扫描窗口 5.1.2 扫描类型 1 蓝牙BLE简介 蓝牙BLE英文为Bluetooh Low Energy,即低功耗蓝牙。 参考文章: 蜗蜗科技 乐鑫科技《e...
In the case of sensors that connect to a gateway to provide data but need very low power, a 1s advertising rate or even up to 2 seconds may be useful to ensure the sensor doesn't waste a lot of time. Also, if the advertising packet provides data which doesn't change much, then the...
0x02, // length of this data AD Structure GAP_ADTYPE_POWER_LEVEL, len + GAP_ADTYPE + data 0 // 0dBm }; // GAP - Advertisement data (max size = 31 bytes, though this is best kept short to conserve power while advertising) staticuint8 advertData[] = { // Flags; this sets the...
channelsbecause it is controlled by the application. For extended advertising, the maximum length is 1650 bytes, but advertising parameters may limit the amount of data that can be sent in a single advertisement. Other fields in the advertising packets are automatically filled by the Bluetooth ...
/*! advertising data, discoverable mode */ static const uint8_t fitAdvDataDisc[] = { /*! flags */ 2, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS, /*! AD type */ DM_FLAG_LE_GENERAL_DISC | /*! flags */ DM_FLAG_LE_BREDR_NOT_SUP, ...
1.Advertising interval 2.Advertising_Type 3.Own_Address_Type 4.Direct_Address_Type 5.Direct_Address 6.Advertising_Channel_Map 7.Advertising_Filter_Policy 8.AdvertisingData 9.ScanReponse Data Advertising interval (广播间隔) 设备每次广播时,会在3个广播信道上发送相同的报文。这些报文被称为一个广播事件...
Advertising_Data, 由HCI 以上层传下来 事实上只有Advertising_Data会通过空中发送。Advertising_Data的格式如下: 详细介绍参看:蓝牙核心卷 5.2 , Vol 3, Part C, 11 可以看到广播数据可能有多个元素:AD Structure 1,AD Structure 2 … AD Structure N,每一个AD Structure的格式为,1个字节长度,一个字节AD Type...
Set the Advertising Data Format to iBeacon and set the UUID, Major, Minor, and Tx Power values as you’d like. 将广播数据格式设置为iBeacon,并根据你的需要设置UUID、Major、Minor和Tx Power值。 Set the Advertising Mode to Triggered Advertising and enable “High Trigger 2” in the Sensor Trigg...
Ble设备的发现实际上靠的是Advertising(广播)机制。广播也有人管它叫做Beacon,我没有在官方文档里面查找到这个词,但是从网络上的文章来看,它们差不多就是同一个东西。 基于广播发现Ble设备有两种方式: Ble设备设定间隔不断发送广播,手机只要接收到这个广播就能从里面携带的设备信息发现这个设备。同时广播里面也能携带一...