name="android.permission.CaptureSecureVideoOutput" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CaptureVideoOutput" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android...
Blazor.Msal- Sample implementation for MSAL in Blazor, it shows how to integrate a Single Page Web Application made in Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Active Directory. It allows to authenticate the user and then acquire an access token to make a secure call to an external API. The code interna...
This library also offers functionality to merge, split, stamp, and secure PDF files. General information Blazing-fast performance Optimized for usage in a server environment where speed and low memory usage are critical. Powerful and comprehensive APIs All the elements in a typical PDF document, ...
Blazor.Msal- Sample implementation for MSAL in Blazor, it shows how to integrate a Single Page Web Application made in Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Active Directory. It allows to authenticate the user and then acquire an access token to make a secure call to an external API. The code interna...
stormpath-sdk - Build simple, secure web applications with Stormpath and ASP.NET Core.(Deprecated: It will longer get updated as of March 2017 after joining OKTA) stuntman - Library for impersonating users during development leveraging ASP.NET Identity.Url...
We will conclude with the “backend for frontend” (or BFF) pattern which has become the most secure and stable of these approaches. Multi-environment deployments with Azure DevOps and Static Web Apps - May 5, 2022 - App walkthrough, Create a static web app with an Azure DevOps pipeline...
After this, we will secure the ManageMovie component. Add the following code to the ManageMovies.razor.cs file. // Other code [Inject] IAuthorizationService AuthService { get; set; } = default!; [CascadingParameter] public Task<AuthenticationState> AuthenticationState { get; set; } = def...
Contain the core logic for the application and handles most of the heavy lifting so page components can be kept as lean and simple as possible. The services layer encapsulates all http communication with backend apis and interaction with local storage, and exposes a simple set of interfaces for...
与大多数区块链一样,以太坊节点汇集交易并将其形成块,一旦矿工解决了共识机制(目前Ethereum的ETHASH PoW),这些交易就被认为是有效的,解决该区块的矿工也会选择来自该矿池的哪些交易将包含在该区块中,这通常是由gasPrice交易决定的,在这里有一个潜在的攻击媒介,攻击者可以观察事务池中是否存在可能包含问题解决...
The process is similar to what happens in a web app when a user attempts to access a secure resource, where the user is redirected to a sign-in page and then redirected back to the original resource. Controllers/CultureController.cs: C# نسخ using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization; ...