Blazored LocalStorage is a library that provides access to the browsers local storage APIs for Blazor applications. An additional benefit of using this library is that it will handle serializing and deserializing values when saving or retrieving them. ...
private const string CameraAccessRationale = "This app requires access to your camera. Please grant access to your camera when requested."; private const string LocationAccessRationale = "This app requires access to your location. Please grant access to your precise location when requested."; ...
Storage- HTML5 Storage API implementation for Microsoft Blazor. Logging- Microsoft Extension Logging implementation for Blazor. Blazored.LocalStorage- A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor applications. BlazorStorage- Local and session storage support for Blazor. ...
This will allow us to access the local storage of the browser. This will help us store and fetch JWT in the local storage. Install-Package Blazored.LocalStorage -Version 4.2.0 Add the following line in the MovieApp.Client\Program.cs file to register this package. builder.Services.AddBlazo...
How to access the Cache storage in the browser?# In WebBrowser, you can find the Cache storage under the Storage tab, as shown in the image below: Cookie storage# Memory storage# 得自己封装,本质就是一个集合 //定义类publicclassMemoryStorageUtility{publicDictionary<string,object>Storage{ get;...
where localStore corresponds to the name you assigned when injecting the instance, and key and value are both strings. const string noteKey = "note"; string noteContent; public async void UpdateLocalStorage() { await localStore.SetItemAsync(noteKey, noteContent); } Blazor Clear LocalStorage Bl...
A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor applications csharpnugetlocalstoragehacktoberfestblazorblazor-interopblazoredblazor-serverblazor-webassemblyblazor-applications UpdatedOct 9, 2024 C# 🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architec...
Blazor.Msal- Sample implementation for MSAL in Blazor, it shows how to integrate a Single Page Web Application made in Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Active Directory. It allows to authenticate the user and then acquire an access token to make a secure call to an external API. The code interna...
Access control example Restrict upload file types Users can specify the types of files that can be uploaded in the File Manager. Multiple file selection The Blazor File Manager component has built-in support for the selection of multiple files or folders. Multiple file selection is effective when...
The process is similar to what happens in a web app when a user attempts to access a secure resource, where the user is redirected to a sign-in page and then redirected back to the original resource. Controllers/CultureController.cs: C# نسخ using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization; ...