A value forShowFooteris also passed from the parent component to the child component. Remember both these properties (Employee and ShowFooter) are decorated with the [Parameter] attribute in the child component. This allows the parent component to pass values to those 2 properties. @page "/" ...
所有的组件都是普通的实现了IComponent接口的类。 IComponent接口的定义如下: publicinterfaceIComponent{voidAttach(RenderHandlerenderHandle);TaskSetParametersAsync(ParameterViewparameters);} 我看到这个的第一反应是“什么? 漏掉了一些东西。 那些事件和初始化方法在哪里?” 你读过的每一篇文章都在谈论组件和OnInitial...
In your child component, declare public properties that will receive the parameters passed from the parent component. You can use the [EditorRequired] attribute to mark a parameter as required. Additionally, you can set default values for the parameter by defining it in the getter and setter. [...
因此, Page.counter 的值将被赋给 MyFirstComponent.CurrentCounterValue ,因为父视图明确设置了它: <MyFirstComponent CurrentCounterValue=@currentCount/> 1. 但是,当MyFirstComponent中的属性发生更改时,组件会设置其状态的本地副本,而不是其父视图的状态。不仅如此,下次父状态更新...
DynamicComponent有两个Parameter,一个是Type,表示的是要渲染的组件,另外一个是Parameters,表示渲染的组件的需要的参数。 此外,我们还可以通过DynamicComponent的Instance属性来直接访问被渲染的那个组件的实例: <DynamicComponent Type="@typeof({COMPONENT})" @ref="dc" /> Refresh @code { private DynamicComponent?
[Parameter] Action<string> FromChild {get;set; }privatestringinputText ="";privatevoidPassToParent() { FromChild(inputText); } } 这里FromChild是ChildComponent中的属性,属性使用Action<string>数据类型将值从Child传递给Parent Component。在Parent中,有相应的接收器函数ReceivedFromChild和字符串参数,这将在...
Pass Context to Command Buttons With the TreeList component you can have conditional command buttons depending on the properties of the row item. This is achieved by adding the current row item as a context (of type object) to the current ChildContent parameter. Keyboard Navigation The Tree...
[Parameter] Action<string> FromChild {get;set; } privatestringinputText =""; privatevoidPassToParent { FromChild(inputText); } } 这里FromChild是ChildComponent中的属性,属性使用Action<string>数据类型将值从Child传递给Parent Component。在Parent中,有相应的接收器函数ReceivedFromChild和字符串参数,这将在...
Cascading values are helpful in situations where the same set of values must be passed along the hierarchy of a complex component made of multiple sub-components. Note that cascading values must be grouped in a single container; therefore, if you need to pass on multiple scalar values, ...
Having the markup statically determined on the server isn’t ideal, however. A much better approach would be sending any relevant data to the client and let the markup be specified as a template parameter to the component. Not coincidentally, templated components are a cool upcoming feature of ...