ChildCascadeParameter1 { get; set; } [CascadingParameter(Name = "CascadeParam2")] protected CascadingType? ChildCascadeParameter2 { get; set; } } Pass data across a component hierarchyCascading parameters also enable components to pass data across a component hierarchy. Consider the following UI ...
Not sure if you're looking for an optional parameter or not, but you can pass a string parameter to the Blazor component this way: @page "/" @page "/{Username:alpha}" This will allow the user component to render or a user component with a string parameter of 'Username' @code{ [...
I did try creating a record in C# and populating it with my parameter values and just sending an object, but that has some performance issues in itself I believe, as this object needs to be serialized and serialized too (of course). All parameters are probably serialized, ...
The following example uses JS interop to pass a byte array to .NET. Provide a sendByteArray JS function. The function is called statically, which includes the assembly name parameter in the invokeMethodAsync call, by a button in the component and doesn't return a value:...
Some of the Blazor components are generic; the type parameter is ascertained by the Blazor runtime depending on the type of the data bound to the element: Proširi tabelu Input componentRendered as (HTML) InputCheckbox InputDate<TValue> InputFile InputNumber<TValue> Inp...
According to your codes and error message, I found you directly call the MonthlyStats to work as an parameter inside an html attribute. This is the reason why you get this error. We couldn't directly pass a method inside a html attribute, since the html doesn't know when to call this...
The function hoverAsync receives as parameter a HoverContext that contains the 2 values: DataX and DataY as decimal. In the following example, the function changes the string HoverString using values. private ValueTask hoverAsync(HoverContext ctx) { HoverString = $"X: {ctx.DataX} - Y: {...
As usual, we need to build the model classes that would take in various authentication parameters for login and registering new users. We will create these classes in the Shared Project under the Models folder. You will need to install a package to help us with the Data Annotations. (Validat...
// Child Component@Title@Content@code{// Demonstrates how a parent component can supply parameters[Parameter]publicstringTitle{get;set;}[Parameter]publicstringContent{get;set;}} When you render aBlogCardcomponent, you can pass in aTitleandContentand it will be rendered accordingly: <BlogCardTitle...
bUnit is a testing library for Blazor components that make tests look, feel, and runs like regular unit tests. bUnit makes it easy to render and control a component under test’s life-cycle, pass parameter and inject services into it, trigger event handl