Call one function from inside another in C# call scalar -value function from C# Call Selected Tab in Code behind in c# Call Server Side Function Of Button Click call single userControl in ASP.Net Page multiple times with data Call Windows Service from Web Application call Windows service method...
Doing the Build a web app with Blazor learning session on Microsoft Learn can also be a good idea. Another great resource to start is the beginner serie by Jeff Fritz on Channel9 or YouTube.GeneralASP.NET Blog's archives - Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor. Blazor - Official ...
此时是最开始,以至于静态变量还未能获得数据,两次的call api都是异步调用,以至于其被没有必要的调用了两次。当然这个问题其实可以通过别的方法解决,让后端单独提供一个验证登录的方法,避免在layout中请求metadata。但是考虑到后续需要在公共页面中写一些通用逻辑以及一些其他因素,后来改成将这部分逻辑mainpage里。mainpage...
When you navigate to another Razor page, the OnInitializedAsync method is called again and it might be using a cached version of the data instead of fetching the updated data from the database. One way to solve this issue is to use the StateHasChanged method to notify Blazor that the sta...
Doing theBuild a web app with Blazorlearning session on Microsoft Learn can also be a good idea. Another great resource to start is the beginner serie by Jeff Fritz onChannel9orYouTube. General ASP.NET Blog's archives- Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor. ...
Just call: BlazorDevice.RuntimePlatform In order to retrieve the current device runtime platform. Note that theBlazorMobilService.Init()has anonFinishcallback delegate. Every call toBlazorDevice.RuntimePlatformbefore the onFinish delegate call will returnBlazorDevice.Unkowninstead of the detected platfo...
Finally, we need our component to keep track of the handle of the JavaScript interval we created, and call the new stopRandomGenerator function when our component is disposed. @page"/"@injectIJSRuntime JSRuntime@implementsIDisposableText received@foreach(stringtextinTextHistory){@text}@code{List...
During prerendering, Blazor respects the metadata defined on the page and uses the ASP.NET Core authentication system to determine if the user is authenticated. When a user navigates from one page to another, a client-side authentication provider is used. When the user refreshes the page (full...
We'll also need another page that renders this new component. Create a new page in /Pages named AsyncInitPage.razor with the following mark-up. @page "/async-init" Components with asynchronous OnInitializedAsync() @for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { <AsynchronousInitComponent/>...
You call the base.SetParametersAsync method to populate the Parameter properties of your component with these values.Alternatively, if you need to handle the parameters differently, this method is the place to do it. For example, you might need to validate any parameters passed ...