Title { get; set; } [Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> OnClickCallback { get; set; } } 父元件會將子系的 EventCallback<TValue>(OnClickCallback) 設定為其 ShowMessage 方法。
ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> OnClickCallback { get; set; } } 父组件将子元素 EventCallback<TValue> 的(OnClickCallback) 设置为其 ShowMessage 方法。ParentChild.razor: razor 复制 @page "/parent-child" <PageTitle>Parent Child</PageTitle> Parent...
复杂类型也可以作为参数值传递给HTML属性和Blazor组件的[parameter]属性。 当将非简单值作为表达式传递给HTML属性时,Blazor将使用ValuePassed.ToString()呈现该值; 当该值被传递给Blazor组件的[Parameter]属性时,对象本身也被传递。 使用下面的Person类举个例子: public class Person { public string Salutation { get;...
一旦为组件的[Parameter]属性赋值完毕, 这些方法将会开始执行。这与SetParametersAsync一样有用,只是它可以使用组件的状态。 这些方法仅仅会在组件创建时执行一次。如果父组件在稍后变更了组件的参数,那么这些方法会被跳过。 注意:当一个组件是一个@page时,并且我们的blazor应用在一个新的url下面重新渲染了这个@page,bl...
<page-script src="@Src"></page-script> @code { [Parameter] [EditorRequired] public string Src { get; set; } = default!; } 组件PageScript 通常在页面的顶层运行。如果将 PageScript 组件放置在应用布局中(例如 MainLayout.razor)(这会导致使用该布局的页面之间共享 PageScript),则该组件仅在整个页...
foreach (var parameter in parameters) { switch (parameter.Name) { case nameof(MessageId): MessageId = (int)parameter.Value; break; case nameof(Text): Text = (string)parameter.Value; break; case nameof(TextChanged): TextChanged = (EventCallback<string>)parameter.Value; ...
Set's the element's title (title) from thetitleparameter and sets the element's source (src) from the created object URL. To prevent memory leaks, the function callsrevokeObjectURLto dispose of the object URL after the element loads the resource (loadevent). ...
@page "/" Log username @_authMessage @code { [CascadingParameter] private Task<AuthenticationState> authenticationStateTask { get; set; } private string _authMessage; private async Task LogUsername() { var authState = await authenticationStateTask; var ...
Changed all events to EventCallback Show Icons when MatTextField has FullWidth (enkodellc) MatBlazor 0.6.8 Improved events for MatTextField (sandrohanea + SamProf) MatBlazor 0.6.7 Added Typography styles MatBlazor 0.6.6 Added Href parameter to MatListItem component MatBlazor 0.6.5 Mat...
For the beginning, just a runnable app with a simple counter component, displayed on a test page. [Commit] We created a HeroEditor component in Blazor, including a parameter and an event callback. Our goal is to replace the inner part of Angular's HeroDetailComponent later. [Commit] We ...