只对Blame-Free Culture提出愚见。就是说, 在一个设定的职业环境里,鼓励监督和投诉所有的错误,这样可...
The article presents the meaning of the word, blame-free culture. It means an environment that encourages mistakes to be reported confidentially without fear of retribution, so lessons can be learned. A belief that even the best d...
blame culture n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the tendency to look for one person or organization that can be held responsible for a bad state of affairs, an accident, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
Official policy-making bodies and experts in medical error have called for a shift in perspective to a blame-free culture within medicine, predicated on the basis that errors are largely attributable to systems rather than individuals. However, little is known about how the lived experience of bla...
Define to blame. to blame synonyms, to blame pronunciation, to blame translation, English dictionary definition of to blame. tr.v. blamed , blam·ing , blames 1. To consider responsible for a misdeed, failure, or undesirable outcome: blamed the coach for
Blame-free cultureMedical errorsPhysiciansPalliative careOfficial policy-making bodies and experts in medical error have called for a shift in perspective to a blame-free culture within medicine, predicated on the basis that errors are largely attributable to systems rather than individuals. However, ...
Pawar M. Creating and sustaining a blame-free culture: A foundation for process improvement. Physician Executive. 2007;33(4):12-19.Manoj Pawar M. Creating & sustaining a blame-free culture: Afoundation for process improvement. Physician Executive 2007; 33(4):12-19....
Organizational Culture医疗差错组织文化This, the final paper in this series analysing the significance of adverse health-care events and near-miss reporting, explores the requirement of a shift towards a 'blame-free' culture and the potential contribution such a change could bring to hea...
How to improve primary care by using significant event audit Beth Evans discusses the tools needed in a blame-free culture to ensure that teams reflect on adverse events and act on their consequencesdoi:10.7748/phc2012. Evans...
the responsibility of having done something wrong or caused something bad to happen. (*Typically:accept ~; bear ~; shoulder ~; take~.)I absolutely refuse to shoulder the blame for the entire fiasco! See also:blame,for blamesomeoneforsomething ...